The scheduleMore content is being updated
大会全程 7月18日-7月22日
ALL TravelO2ODigital ContentNew Retail E-commerceBig DataFinanceAR/VR/MRPan-entertainmentSAASIntelligent HardwareArtificial IntelligenceTransportationSmart HomeOther
ALL Design ThinkingVisual DesignDesign ManagementInteraction DesignService DesignBrand DesignUser ResearchProduct OperationOther
ALL speechworkshopsummittriproundtable
July 18th 09:00-12:00 am
July 18th 09:00-11:50 am
July 18th 10:00-12:00 am
  • 万物皆有灵:带你领略物灵科技的智能世界
    trip T1
  • 阿里B+UXC:新零售商业时代下的全链路娱乐体验设计
    trip T2
July 18th 14:30-17:30 pm
July 18th 14:30-17:20 pm
July 19th 09:00-12:00 am
July 19th 09:00-11:50 am
July 19th 14:30-17:30 pm
July 19th 14:30-17:20 pm
July 20th 09:00-12:00 am
July 20th 09:00-11:50 am
July 20th 13:30-17:30 pm
July 21th 09:00-12:00 am
July 21th 09:00-11:50 am
July 21th 14:30-17:30 pm
July 21th 14:30-17:20 pm
July 22th 09:00-12:00 am
July 22th 09:00-11:50 am
July 22th 14:30-17:30 pm
July 22th 14:30-17:20 pm
19 July -- 22 Every day (09:00-17:30pm) will be 2000 ㎡ scale to make 【the design force】
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