Sep 17th  -  Sep 18th

Time Timing Length Program Content
09:00-17:00 All Day Exhibit Interaction Equipment, Video, Books, Photoes

Sep 17th,AM, WelcomeNote & Opening Keynotes

Time Timing Length Program Theme Guest
08:00-09:00 60" Registration    
09:00-09:15 15" Welcome Note Interaction Design Era Comes Huiming Tong (President)
Xiangyang Xin (Vice-Presidents)
09:15-09:35 15" Award Ceremony    
09:40-10:10 30" Speech 1 Designing Your Product with the Users John Woo (UE Director , Innovation Works)
10:15-10:45 30" Speech 2 The creators and consumers of the future Brandon Edwards (Creative Director , Frog Design)
10:50-11:20 30" Speech 3 Design Thingking and Practice of Multiproduct Unionization Hailong Zhang (Senior Manager , Baidu)
11:25-11:55 30" Speech 4 Realization, Interaction Wei Jia (Chairman , LKK Design)
12:00-12:30 30" Interaction What Should We Do Except Design Ning Zhu (Whitecrow, Chief Product Designer , Alipay)

Sep 17th,PM, Workshop A

Time Timing Length NO. Theme Guest
14:00-17:00 3 hours A1 From Concept to Execution -- the Branding Products Design Robin Zhu (Founder and Design Director , Rigo)
14:00-17:00 A2 Explore the Innovation Interaction Form for Mobile SNS Jing Liu (Product Manager , Innovation Works)
14:00-17:00 A3 How to enhance the user experience of products and services Rong Tao (Senior User Research Specialist , Alibaba)
14:00-17:00 A4 Interaction Design Based on User Experience Objective Analysis Guang Yang (Senior IxD Expert, Taobao)
14:00-17:00 A5 Design Mobile Product Interaction Design by Storytelling Way Elya Chen (Senior Interaction Designer , Baidu MUX)
Alex Hill (UE Manager , Baidu MUX)
14:00-17:00 A6 Experience the World Through Infographics Mess Xiang (+Design Lead in Wuhan , HP)
14:00-17:00 A7 More Effective Information Design Leeking Li (Interaction Design Manager , Sina Weibo)
14:00-17:00 A8 Design for Gamer Xiaoning Ou-yang (Senior Interaction Designer , Netease Game)
14:00-17:00 A9 Good Design Touch Your Heart Tong Chen (LKK Design , Interaction Design Director)
Jianhua Li (LKK Design , Chief of Design Research)

Sep 18th,AM, Workshop B

Time Timing Length NO. Theme Guest
14:00-17:00 3 hours B1 Utilizing WEB UI to “Painlessly” Allow Users to Enter their Personal Information Jinbo Liu (Product Manager , Innovative Workshops' Run-up Plan)
Yumeng Liu (UI Designer , Innovative Workshops' Run-up Plan)
14:00-17:00 B2 How to ransplant Web Products to Mobile Phone--Netease News & Public Experiences Junwei Xie (Interaction Designer , Netease UEDC)
Lizhou Zhang (Interaction Design Director , Netease UEDC)
14:00-17:00 B3 How to Excavate the Commercial Value of Experience Design Eddie Guo (User Experience Designer , Alipay)
Jonathon Wong (Product Experience Designer , lipay)
14:00-17:00 B4 The Method and Aplication of “Site Date Analysis” in Web Design Evaluation Wen Wang (UE Research Expert , Taobao)
14:00-17:00 B5 Design for Pad——Case Study & Design Strategy Yongyu Dai (Wireless Design Director , Tencent CDC)
Ge Gao (Innovation Platform Group Designers , Tencent CDC)
14:00-17:00 B6 Products Are “Sentimental”—Interaction Design in Industrial Design Elvis Win (Senior Interaction Designer , Newplan)
Dawei Liao (Senior Product Manager , Newplan)
14:00-17:00 B7 Game Interface—A Different Interaction Design Lulu Lu (Assistant President of Seasun , Kingsoft)
9:00-12:00 B8 Imaginations of Consumer Electronics Interaction Experience Erin Lin (Senior User Experience Design , Samsung)
Brook Du (Senior Interactioin Disigner , Samsung)
9:00-12:00 B9 Systematic design planning: design system demonstration through practical cases Deng Liu(Project Manager , Baidu UED)
Cheng Xu(Senior Interaction Designer, Baidu UED)

Sep 18th,PM, Workshop C

Time Timing Length NO. Theme Guest
14:00-17:00 3 hours C1 How to Have a User-centered Design in the Internet Product under a RapidInteraction Li Ma (Product Design Manager , Innovation Works)
Yifei Xu (Product Design Manager , Innovation Works)
14:00-17:00 C2 Manage and Promote the Value of UED Team Lytous Zhou (UE Management Center Director , EBEN)
14:00-17:00 C3 Talking about Client-side User Experience Design Flow and Element Through Alipay Client-side Helen Li (User Experience Leader , Alipay)
14:00-17:00 C4 Design for Good Impression Yuting Zhang (Senior UX Designer , eico design)
Rokey Zhang (Chief Innovation Officer , eico design)
14:00-17:00 C5 The Differentiated Designs of Mobile Platform Application and Construction of Unified Experience Ben Lee (Senior Interaction Designer , Netease UEDC)
Azero Tsang (Design Manager , Netease UEDC)
14:00-17:00 C6 From User Research to Interaction Design--Challenge and Practice Hanzhong Huang (User Research Director , Tencent)
14:00-17:00 C7 Make Interface “Move”! Song Huang (senior User Experience Designer , TCL Corporation)
14:00-17:00 C8 Who? Where Is Standing in?-- Scene in Design Kiwi Gu (Senior Visual Design Expert , Taobao)
14:00-17:00 c9 Communicate with the product value proposition by interaction design Yan Li (Manager , Samsung)
14:00-17:00 c10 Web and Interaction Design Trends for 2012 Bo Cui (Product Director , ChinaVisual.Com)


Sep 18th,PM, IxD Educational Forum

Time Timing Length NO. Theme Guest
14:00-17:00 3 hours B10 IxD Educational Summit Forum Huiming Tong, Xiangyang Xin
Wa An, Yi Liu
More guests are inviting...

Sep 17th-18th, Other Project

Time Timing Length NO. Theme Guest
14:00-17:00 3 hours A10 UCD China No Theme Open Party Angela, Ami, Whitecrow, Milkr, Xiao Hu, Yangsu, Junchen, d9wing, penggreat, Rex Song, Tony, Lytous Zhou, Kun Zhu, etc.
14:00-17:00 A11 IxD Professional Books Sale Angela, Junchen, Rex Song, Lytous Zhou, Mess Xiang