Designing Your Product With The Users(speech 1)

John Woo

Personal Introduction

User Experience Director , Innovation Works

Since user experience turned his hobby into a career in 1998, Mr. John Woo has been doing design and research in the fields of Internet, mobile, software, game, etc. He got a BS degree from Tongji University in 2002 and a MA degree from Tsinghua University in 2006. He worked in a design firm and then as a freelance in the two years between these schools, and did an internship in Microsoft Research Asia during graduate school. He joined Google in 2006 and established a user experience team in China, Google’s first one outside of U.S. Coming to Innovation Works in 2010, he continues to pursue his dreams of creating the best products and building the best user experience professionals and teams.



09:40-10:10, September 17th

Speech Introduction:

The Age Comes: Designing Your Product With The Users, users are not simply the consumers of your product, but they can also be the contributors and even the "developers" of your products. The age comes that you don not simply to design a product to meet users' needs, not simply to improve your product based on users' feedback, but to design your product with users --- integrating the relationships between your product, you and all the users to create a fusion reaction.