Design Thingking and Practice of Multiproduct Unionization (speech 3)

Hailong Zhang

Personal Introduction

Senior Manager , Baidu

Hailong Zhang has been engaged in UI design since 1997. He has rich design and designing management experiences and had worked at some well-known Internet companies including Chinadotcom Corporation, Yahoo China. Now he is the senior manager of user experience department in Baidu, engaged in user experience

interface, interaction design and team management, devoted to research of usability and visual balance design method.



10:50-11:20, September 17th

Speech Introduction:

A good unitarity design planning not only has a great influence on brand planning of the companies, but also yields big profits on design quality of all subsidiaries. Unitarity design is not a simple visual design but a product being based on research and analysis and design creation. If you are a promising

company, a good UX team, you must set up a unitarity design planning from the ground to ensure your strategic objective can attain. If you are a senior designer, a engineer or a researcher, you must create unitatiy design thinking in the daily design, work from the ground and then open an unitarity design with high efficiency and low cost.