Products Are “Sentimental”—Interaction Design in Industrial Design(B6)

Elvis Win

Dawei Liao

Workshop Introduction:

As for the products, in the whole process which from developing from nothing to the users producing value, the products in different period will have relations with different persons.

Take the YaQi old man mobile phone for example, the content including:
·Why we do so?
·How to do?
·What will we make them to?
·Are these they want?


Workshop Arrangement:

Expound the importance of  interaction in product design

Share cases

Interaction link



09:00-12:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Elvis Win

Senior Interaction Designer , Newplan
He is responsible for user research, pre-job planning of products, design research and development, marketing promotion and brand building, etc.


Dawei Liao

Senior Product Manager , Newplan

He is in charge of all kinds of products planning and developing, including communication, consumer electronics, electrical appliance in Newplan. In 2011, he is mainly in charge of planning and developing new products for the YaQi old man mobile phone in Nesplan.