Good Design Touch Your Heart(A9)

Tong Chen

Jianhua Li

Workshop Introduction:

From cradle to grave, from grave to heaven; from material to spirit, from behavior to psychology, different industry, different consumer groups, how industry design achieve user interaction, and how interaction design display its maximize value in industrial design?
How the 500 Companies work on interaction design in product research and developing?
effective measures on interaction design
How to enhance the value of products on Interaction Design?
How industrial design incorporate with interaction design?



(With deposition for 3 or 4 years, LKK Design research and interaction design center will expose part of research result in the workshop for the first time.)


Workshop Arrangement:

1. User research about product

   (Through The case studies on the 500 companies, We will show you the effective measures on Users Research. From human interactions to mind communication, how to explore customers' mental needs, then to proposes strategies of recommendations and proposals.)


2. interaction design integrate into industrial design

   (Good product care about connotation. (no connotation no quality). Interaction design seize the experience that may bring to customers from every part of the product. We will explain: How to build interaction structure in customers 'favor? How to extend products' interaction feathers, so that to display interaction design's value in industrial design? )


3. communication



14:00-17:00, September 17th

Personal Introduction

Tong Chen:

LKK Design , Interaction Design Director
Have worked in Haier global design center UI department. Be concentrated in interaction analysis, UI design and graphic interface design.


Jianhua Li:

LKK Design , Chief of Design Research

Be proficient in user research and customer need analysis, grasping Design trend and strategies planning product line and PI system