Systematic design planning: design system demonstration through practical cases(B9)

Deng Liu


Cheng Xu

Workshop Introduction:

How can a product design be targeted more accurately? How to make the design more convincing? How to build a design system for a series of products? In this seminar, you'll be shown real-life design cases to see how we systematically planned and built an entire design system atep by step, through phases of data collection, user segmentation, product positioning, DNA abstraction, design conception and systematic skeme construction. You'll also be shown some key concepts that we summarized from the design process


Workshop Arrangement:

1. design concept introduction

   (Problems in web product design and solutions)

2. product visual recognition system

   (How to construct a design system)

3. real-life design cases

   (Visual system reconstruction of Baidu Shenbian)

4. Q&A



09:00-12:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Deng Liu

Senior User Interface Designer/Project Manager , User Experience Department, Baidu

Dedicated to internet visual design from 2002, and joined Baidu in 2010. Before Baidu, he held jobs in Sohu and Oak Pacific Interactive. He is now focusing on setting web visual design guidelines and constructing systematic projects. As a forerunner in setting web design guidelines, he has accumulated rich practical experience, and his projects have been highly recommended as best practices in the industry.


Cheng xu

Senior Interaction Designer , User Experience Department, Baidu

Xu has 6 years working experiences. Now he is

responsible for vertical search product in Baidu, interaction design of UGC products. He is focus on experience design of Internet products.