Experience the World Through Infographics(A6)

Mess Xiang

Workshop Introduction:

The workshop will inform the conception, history, applications and making methods of Infographics and their descendants such as Motion Graphics and Interactive infographics. Strong visual stimulations with plenty of examples and practical demonstrate.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. What is infographic

2. Infographics' history

3. Infographics' applications

4. How to make infographics

5. Do it yourself



14:00-17:00, September 17th

Personal Introduction

+Design Lead in Wuhan , HP China

Mess is a UI/Visual/Flash Designer who’s leading teams to serve clients like HP, Microsoft, GE and SE. He’s written 2 books in UE and Flash fields, translated several books in multiple fields such as Web UE, Framework Design and Computer History. Also he’s active in underground rock scene.