What Should We Do Except Design(Interaction)

Ning Zhu(白鸦)

Speech Introduction:

Design is not self-existent. There is not unprovoked love design. Why a page is needed? Why a button is needed? Why users will use this product?...design is centre on a series of problems to solve a series problems. A designer who just design will not make good design. Except designing, as a designer, what

should we do? I can't make sure of it either but I will explore it through my experiences with you all.



12:00-12:30, September 17th

Personal Introduction

Chief Product Designer , Alipay

Zhu is the initiator of UCDChina; a copartner of 5G.

He focuses on User-centric Internet product design;
In 2006, he joined Baidu user experience department, participated in design of big search, communnity, bidding alliance etc. ;

In October 2008, he joined Alipay.