A. Entry Fee

Type of Package
Current Price(RMB)
Original Price(RMB)
Package 1 Speech (including simultaneous interpretation, luncheon)
package 2 Speech (including simultaneous interpretation, luncheon)+ 1 work
package 3 Speech (including simultaneous interpretation, luncheon)+ 2 work
package 4 Speech (including simultaneous interpretation, luncheon)+ 3 work

B. Enrollment Flow

1. enrollment deadline: 24:00 on September 8th, 2011;
2. groups including 3-6 individuals have a 10% discount, including 7 individuals or more have a 15% discount;
3. teachers have a 50% discount, students have a 70% discount. Please bring your own teacher card or student card when sign in;
4.the unique account payee:
   Account Name:Guangzhou Goode information technology Co.,Ltd
   Bank: China Construction Bank , Tianhe Industrial Park Branch, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
   Please scann your money order or remittance certification and mail it to apply@ixdc.org, in order to inspecting.


C. Price Introduction

Unit Price(RBM each)
Speech (including simultaneous interpretation, luncheon)(September 17th,AM)
Interaction Design First Exhibition
Attend with invitation
Educational Summit Forum
Attend with invitation
UCD Book Club
Attend with invitation
Signing and Selling Books
Attend with invitation

D. Other Information

Registration Inquiries:
If you have applied, you can check your information of registration and payment by logging in the apply system. If the information has not been updated, please wait patiently or contact the staff.

The content of is "Conference Fee" signed by "Guangzhou Goode information technology Co.,Ltd".

Participating Introduction:
1. get the entry card by showing your ID card and apply order number, students need to show your student ;
2. gift conference manual;
3. gift a abundant conference present.

1. If you want to cancel applying or change the activities, you must give written notice to secreariat of conference before 24:00 on September 8th,2011. Organizer will collect 50% of the cost payed as administrative expenses. We will refund after the this conference and we won't refund if late.
2. Personla profile only be used at processing of application or contact and we will act in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
