Make Interface “Move”!(C7)

Song Huang

Workshop Introduction:

Today users pay more and more attention to the experience of production. Interface design with simple static effects not only can’t improve the quality of production design, but also can’t meet the needs of users’ production experience. This sharing session will make the dynamic design of large-screen television to be the starting point, introduce the related knowledge of dynamic design in UI Design. And analyses the characteristics of dynamic design according to the condition of the Target Users and hardware and software and so on.

Make your sight move up! Make the production live up!


Workshop Arrangement:

1. the introduce of the dynamic interface’s definition, category, manifestation, carrier, and so on
2. the relationship of dynamic design and User Research; The relationship of dynamic design and software and hardware
3. the relationship of dynamic design and User Research;

The relationship of dynamic design and software and hardware



14:00-17:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Tsenior User Experience Designer , TCL Corporation

Now working in the TCL Corporate Research as a manager of interface design, engaging in the User Experience Design of Multimedia Terminal and  Mobile Terminal  in TCL.