Who? Where Is Standing in? Scene in Design(C8)

Kiwi Gu

Workshop Introduction:

1. Things’ the basic concept in scene The object refer that everybody and everything in a scene, all things are exist in a reasonable scene. According to the result of design, the things are not good or bad, but suitable or not.


2. Scene consideration in experience design The scene of experience design is divided into invariable or variable. It also be divided into existing environment, users’environmet, users’mood. A suitable scene shows the character of products and the expectation of composite users.


3. The public character and independent character of scene The public character of design content refer to the products without special users and the independent refer to the products with obvious and fixed scene. They all have their own coping style.


4. Showing and considering specific cases The character of design, the simulacrum of design, the user emotional of QQ2010 product, the interface adaptability of QQ2011 and details representation of Alitalk 2011 with a suitable scene.


5. Q&A link



14:00-17:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Senior Visual Design Expert , Taobao

Gu has 6 years experience design working experiences. From 2006 to 2011, he was the chief designer of QQ and the leader of IM visual design team in Tencent design center. His visual design items include design the version from QQ2008 to QQ2011, leading his team to design QQ/TM for version of each client, Tencent microblog for Iphone ,Ipad and webQQ2.0, etc. He has been working at Taobao UED since 2011. Currently, he is in charge of the design working of Alitalk items.