More Effective Information Design(A7)

Leeking Li

Workshop Introduction:

Why microblog has attracted so many users in a short time, in addition to the star attraction, what factors attracted us? In today's information explosion, how users to accept such a large number of microblog information? How we should design more effective information?


Workshop Arrangement:

1. microblog is an efficient information platform

2. interaction

3. how to design a more efficient information?

4. interaction


14:00-17:00, September 17th

Personal Introduction

Interaction Design Manager , Sina Weibo

In 2004, Chiming Li joined Sohu, participated in the products design of Sohu blog, circle, space, and then he was appointed to be the chief interaction designer of

In August 2010,he joined Sina Weibo, in charge of the information architecture, interactive design and user research work of all products to Weibo.