Manage and Promote the Value of UED Team(C2)

Lytous Zhou

Workshop Introduction:

Course Content:

1. How to build a UED team in your company;

2. How to establish the “product unit” way of working and bring the UED working method into workflow;

3. How to influence the whole company for the user experience of understanding;

4. UED team in the course of the construction problems and solutions;

5.User experience team value and ROI

6. How can we carry out the work if no user experience team work running


Workshop Arrangement:

1. UED team management

2. Analysis problem

3. Showcase exchange



14:00-17:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction:

UE Management Center Director , EBEN

Zhou is the publicity department minister of IxDC; a core member of UCDChina, a member of UPA; He is a mobile equipment product designer, a B to C design consultant of jewelry, pays attention to the creation of the Internet and the Intermedia. He has published "Vision" a set ofnew mediagraphic works, "Digital Graphic Design Storm: Double vision", "Web Design Analysis", "UI Theory of Evolution - Mobile Interface Design.