How to transplant Web Products to Mobile Phone--Netease News & Public Experiences(B2)


Junwei Xie


Lizhou Zhang

Workshop Introduction:

When transplant web product to mobile phone, how to determine the trade-off between them? Should we completely copy? Obviously impossible. So, what need to be changed and what should we pay attention to?
How do you know ,define and use the design specifications of each platform?

In this workshop, We will solve the problems above  through adjusting and regulating pages structure and the usage, measure, document requirement of idiomatic usage. At the same time, we will take Netease mobile phone new and public experience for example.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. speakers, cases, the audiences introduction

2. the content and methods of transplantation

3. how to deal with personalized design part

4. other related experiences

5. interaction, answering questions



09:00-12:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Junwei Xie

Interaction Designer , Netease

Currently, Xie is in charge of the interaction design of Netease mobile products. Before, he participated in interaction designing of Netease news client and Netease public class client. He has abundant experience in IOS and Android system design.


Lizhou Zhang

Interaction Design Director , Netease

In 2005, Zhang graduated from Zhejiang University with a bachelor degree in industrial design. He engaged in desktop software, the web application and mobile phone operating system with 6 years interaction design experience.