Explore the Innovation Interaction Form for Mobile SNS (A2)

Jing Liu

Workshop Introduction:

The main activitity is in the form of group interaction, around the direction of mobile SNS, combine with reading, music, photos or specific population etc factors to do the prototype design, to dig the potential of mobile equipment, to explore the innovation interaction form for mobile SNS under different themes.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. opening

2. group discussion

3. express design concept

4. group discussion

5. products presentation

6. select the best idea, and the spokesman of each group summarize and exchange experience



14:00-17:00, September 17th

Personal Introduction

Product Manager , Innovation Works
He graduate from Hubei University of Technology Multimedia Art and Design, has been enganed in the work which is related to design. He has been a freelance designer,visual design teacher, visual designer of CCTV net.In 2010, he joined in the user experience team of Innovation Works, focus on visual design of Internet-related products and UE design.He is a co-founder an product manager of Photosola.