Web and Interaction Design Trends for 2012(C10)

Bo Cui

Workshop Introduction:

The developing of Internet not only change our ways of communication and entertainment,but also change the ways of working.The developing of technology make our dreams come true.With Facebook、Foursquare and many kinds of mobile applications,the concept of"SoLoMo" is popular all over the world and has became the trend of Internet in future.

At the same time,web and interaction design much more focus on function than before.Responsive design、constant connection、virtual reality is the trends in future.

As a designer,are you ready for all these changes?

We are going to discuss interaction design trends from layout、memu、color、font、navigation


1.In the time of mobile,content is more important than design.
2.Multi-platform、Multi-device browsing bring new challenges.
3.Pay attention to experience ,function is more important than form.


Getting well know of web and interaction design trends
Discussing design elements of interaction design

Learning interaction design according to the trend




14:00-17:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Product Director , ChinaVisual

Cui joined ChinaVisual.Com in 2004. He had been website content director, having interviews with more than 100 user experience industry experts at home and abroad.

Now, he is in charge of product planning of the whole ChinaVisual, completing the product design of “Xiaba”,”inspiration library”. He devotes his mind to Internet product design, visual design and user experience research.