Pay attention to the latest news of this event and do not miss the wonderful moments.
IXDC2018深圳站丨选课功能开放 2018-09-21 12:07:38 距IXDC2018深圳站正式开幕还有不到两个月的时间,IXDC2018深圳站报名系统选课功能开放啦!即日起已报名深圳活动的小伙伴们可以开始选择自己心仪的课程,准备迎接11月的精神食粮了!下面先来跟随小 阅读更多
The most valuable grand ceremony will be held in Beijing in July and you have no reason to not come to this ceremony.
Frontier Pioneers will take you to explore the future of design.
Apply to Become the Keynote SpeakerBring Back Memories of Eight-Year-History
This is a cross-boundary innovation platform that connects China to the rest of the world.
I want to work with you.