Design Operation — Amplify Design Influence in Enterprise & IKEA Digital Hub Practices
  • Hsinyu Du Hsinyu Du IKEA China Digital Hub Design Operation Senior Producer

    She has nearly 10 years of experience in the fields of customer experience, digital products, service design, user research, agile management, etc., and has rich theoretical knowledge and solid practical experience. As a senior consultant, she has worked with clients from new retail, pharmaceutical, high-end catering, home furnishing, government smart city and other fields to build experience strategies and digital solutions. In 2021, she joined IKEA and became a pioneer practitioner in the field of Design Ops in China, collaborating with innovation teams in international enterprises to drive change and maximize design value through human-centered concepts. At the same time, she is also committed to empowerment activities, serving as the main lecturer and agile coach in major Chinese and foreign enterprises for many times, and has organized more than 50 workshops or lectures, specializing in topics such as "Design Thinking", "Service Innovation" and "Agile Development Management".

    Design philosophy: With the right way of thinking, everyone has the opportunity to lead transformative innovation.

Design Operation — Amplify Design Influence in Enterprise & IKEA Digital Hub Practices

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Session B2
Meeting room 301B
Time 08/03 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Management
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the rapid iteration of the world, more and more companies recognize that strong design teams and user-centered thinking are the keys to innovation success, and how to make organizations better adopt design thinking, design research results, and design practices is a challenge that design teams often encounter. In this context, the concept of Design Operation was proposed and quickly discussed and adopted in the industry. Design Operations Specialists, or DesignOps, are an increasingly important role in the design field, managing goals and processes to ensure teams have the tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

In this workshop, the speaker will share the ideas and tools of DesignOps, using his management experience in the IKEA digital design team as an example, and summarize it into a methodology that can be followed in simple terms, including how to establish a smooth collaboration model, expand design quality and value effectiveness through DesignOps methodologies such as strategic planning, project management, and people-oriented team operations.

The core contents of this workshop include:
1、DesignOps introduction:
1.1 DesignOps - Background and goals, “It’s time to re-design design”
1.2 Three areas of DesignOps: Work together, Get work done, Create impact
1.3 DesignOps mindset and the role

2、DesignOps methodologies and practices
2.1 Team setup and its culture
·Team composition
·Why diversity matters
·IKEA’s practice of candidate evaluation

2.2 Talent Development
·Introduce the learning models: ADKAR, Forgetting curve, 70:20:10 learning plan.
·Different ways of learning: Learning by sharing, Learning by reflecting, Learning by coaching.
·Use spider-gram to evaluate capability and build learning plan

2.3 Goals management
·The values: Leadership by all in IKEA
·What do we mean by leadership? Key elements of leadership
·Different leadership styles
·Align the vision and develop a sense of ownership in the team
·IKEA management framework: OKR(Objective & Key Results), Agile way of working
·The feedback culture: Feedback loop, design critique

2.4 People focus
·The people-centric managing style
·IKEA’s practices

2.5 Collaboration and design process
·Visualizing team’s working process
·IKEA’s practice of continuous improvement for cross-team collaborations

2.6 Amplify design influence
·What do we mean by “Design”
·Shall we attend this meeting? Shall we take this job?
·Design maturity model and IKEA’s practice: The changes we’ve fostered.

3、DesignOps Challenge and its vision
3.1 Lecturer’s personal background and career journey
3.2 Required competencies for DesignOps
3.3 Challenge and vision of DesignOps

·ADKAR model - the five stages that must be achieved for successful personal change: cognitive awareness, desire desire, knowledge knowledge, ability ability, and reinforcement

·Ebbinghaus forgetting curve – the forgetting rate curve of medium- and long-term memory

·70:20:10Employee Learning and Development Program – 70% of personal growth in the workplace comes from learning through work experience, 20% from coaching and communication, and 10% from formal training

Structure and Agenda

1、Outline of the theme and introduction of the final outputs
2、Workshop theory & knowledge points and practical case explanation
3、The speaker guides the participants to develop design operations around their own organizational situation
The practical part of sorting out, reflecting, and formulating preliminary plans for the current situation
4、Q&A session to learn from each other through effective questioning and communication
5、Summary session

Target Audience

1、Intermediate and senior interaction designer, user experience designer, user researcher
2、3-10 years practitioner/manager in the field of design, innovation and digitalization
3、Pioneers who want to establish design influence and change teams in the organization
4、Design or innovation field often participate in team management food / about to be promoted to manager / want to develop into a manager
5、Product managers, project managers or agile coaches who attach importance to user experience design
6、HR experts, HRBP, People & Culture who serve the innovation team and design team

Participants Benefit

1、Learn about the emerging management concept in the design industry 《Design Operations》
2、Understand the methods and specific practices of design management
3、The speaker guides and formulates a plan for implementing DesignOps
4、Exchange relevant experience of team operation and management with other industry participants

Work Case
  • What is DesignOps?
  • DesignOps working method
  • Learning ways
  • IKEA Designer Skills Framework
  • All leaders: Cultivate a sense of ownership
  • Build a culture of friendly feedback
  • Design impact
  • Process specification and optimization
Guess You Like
  • What is DesignOps? 18
  • DesignOps working method 28
  • Learning ways 38
  • IKEA Designer Skills Framework 48
  • All leaders: Cultivate a sense of ownership 58
  • Build a culture of friendly feedback 68
  • Design impact 78
  • Process specification and optimization 88
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