Industry and Art: The Design of New Energy Systems
  • Albert Leung Albert Leung Envision Design Director

    Albert is the design director for Envision, a global clean-tech company based in Shanghai. At Envision, Albert leads the effort to elevate the level and impact of design across hardware, software, and environments in the clean energy space. His focus areas include wind energy, energy storage, e-mobility, and carbon management solutions. Prior to joining Envision, Albert was a designer, project leader, and director at IDEO in San Francisco.

    Envision is a global clean-tech company with locations in China, Singapore, Japan, the UK, France, Germany, and the United States. Our mission is to solve the challenges of a sustainable future. To do this, we develop advanced wind turbines and energy storage systems, and software that can orchestrate complex energy systems on a global scale. Since our founding in 2007, we have grown to be a world leader in clean energy generation and we are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that increase people’s access to sustainable energy.

Industry and Art: The Design of New Energy Systems

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Session S8
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/30 13:30-17:00
Type Speech
Language English
keynote content
Content Introduction

Sharing the experience of building a design team in the cleantech space. We will share the journey of building the Envision Design Lab, a multidisciplinary team made up of designers, engineers, architects and artists, working to transform the clean energy sector through design. We will discuss how we built a team of designers and how we overcome challenges to bring beauty and meaning to a highly technical industry.

Designing great cleantech products. How the Envision Design Lab brings learnings from consumer design (IDEO, NIO, Burberry) to redesign wind turbines, smart buildings, and EV charging. How we use cost reduction as a catalyst to design the most beautiful and efficient energy products and buildings.

Activating the public through arts. The Envision Design Lab has a thriving arts practice designed to find ways to create art that can get the public excited by clean energy. We will discuss how we use art to communicate the values of sustainability and how art informs the design of our clean energy products.

Participants Benefit

1、Understand how designers can seize opportunities within the cleantech industry.
2、Understand how cleantech and sustainable design will transform them world.
3、Get a behind-the-scenes preview of revolutionary cleantech products.
4、Learn how to create a successful business and design team while working for a worthy global cause.
5、Learn how to apply arts to an engineering dominated field.
6、Become a beta-tester and user for new digital products around energy and carbon. For example, we may release a special NFT to audience members.

video introduction
Work Case
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters Cloud Center
  • Envision Ark Zero Carbon Management System (Arc)
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters
  • Envision Smart Fan
  • Envision Intelligent Energy Storage
  • Mochi intelligent charging robot
  • Mochi intelligent charging robot
Guess You Like
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters Cloud Center 18
  • Envision Ark Zero Carbon Management System (Arc) 28
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters 38
  • Envision Shanghai Headquarters 48
  • Envision Smart Fan 58
  • Envision Intelligent Energy Storage 68
  • Mochi intelligent charging robot 78
  • Mochi intelligent charging robot 88
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