Multidimensional Design in Logistics Industry
  • Wang Chen Wang Chen Bytedance UX Designer

    7 years working experience as an UX designer and 4 years experience in the logistics industry, previously working in Pilotfish GmbH in Munich, ARK Design in Shanghai and Alibaba.
    With a deep understanding of key stakeholders in the logistics industry and rich experience in service design, Chen is good at define user pain points through user observation and interview, and solving problems by combining online & offline methods and concatenating multiple stakeholders, clearly convert experience issues into business value.
    Design philosophy: Design to solve problems.

Multidimensional Design in Logistics Industry

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Session C2
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/30 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Service Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

Industrial Internet: Based on Internet technology and ecology, the industrial chain and internal value chain of each vertical industry are reshaped and transformed, thus forming an Internet Ecology and form. Industrial Internet is a new economic form. By using information technology and Internet platform, we can give full play to the optimization and integration role of the Internet in the allocation of production factors and realize the deep integration of the Internet and traditional industries.

The trend of industrial Internet is changing more and more traditional industries. Shared bike digitizes cycling experience, food delivery platform digitizes ordering experience, smart supermarket digitizes shopping experience, in logistics industry, we are digitizing package delivery experience, which means greatly broadened design dimensions, from traditional interface design to hardware, space, and information design. In this low profit margin, high work intensity area, we discover how to improve industry efficiency through digital and intelligent means, also provide better experience for customers.

Through package journey analysis, offline working environment work through and experience in action, we combine online and offline design carriers and come up with practical solutions for the whole process, highly reduced operation time and harvest station owners’ unanimous praise.

Key Opinions:
1. The understanding of logistics workers determines what kind of experience we will provide: Only by going deep into the field, define & gain insight into key points, truly empathize with the customer can we solve problems.
2. Dare to break the boundaries of experience problems determines what kind of design we can create: Whether it is an iteration of product functions, an optimization of contract performance SOP, or an innovation of offline tools, as long as it is conducive to the achievement of customer experience, it is a good design method.

Main content of the workshop:
1. Service design walkthrough based on an offline scenario;
1.1 Shadow Observation: By following user's operation, understand the working process and become familiar with the user scenario;
1.2 Hands-on Operation: Experience user operation details and discover pain points;
1.3 User Journey Analysis: walkthrough whole user journey and understanding UX problems.

2. Industry research
2.1 Look for mature industry scenarios with similar solutions to learn;
2.2 Define our solutions by analyzing the similarities and differences of their scenarios.

3. Online-offline merging design solutions
3.1 Decomposition of existing SOP;
3.2 Accurately solve the specific experience problems corresponding to each step.

4. Design evaluation
4.1 Evaluation of time reducing;
4.2 Evaluation of cost reducing;

5. Design promotion: how to promote your design by recording and broadcasting
5.1 Audience-oriented outreach:Through video, live broadcast, offline learning, etc., let the audience really feel the value of the program and be willing to adopt it
5.2 Product use training, landing assistance, etc., to facilitate users to quickly get started

Structure and Agenda

1、Logistics Scene Analysis : from design perspective, which dimensions can be touched
2、Theoretical Methods Explanation: how to establish a deep understanding of the business scenario through various offline walk-through methods
3、Case Study: how to use a variety of means to achieve business goals in multiple aspects of design
4、Practice: Perform design divergence and convergence by groups

Target Audience

1、3-5 years experience UX/service designers
2、3-5 years experience user researchers
3、Design students and who is interested in the design industry
4、3-5 years experience project managers and designers

Participants Benefit

1、How to build up a deep understanding for the highly professional B-side scene, and convert to design opportunities
2、How to achieve goals through a variety of design methods
3、Using full-link service design thinking methods, combining online and offline solutions to achieve business goal
4、In the process of design implementation, how to verify the design value through quantitative and qualitative means to help the promotion of the scheme

video introduction
Work Case
  • Commercial perspective: key roles costing evaluation
  • Interface design: ombine online and offline carriers
  • Multi-dimensional design concept: interface, hardware, space and information design.
  • Greatly broadened design dimensions
  • The trend of industrial Internet is changing more and more traditional industries
Guess You Like
  • Commercial perspective: key roles costing evaluation 15
  • Interface design: ombine online and offline carriers 25
  • Multi-dimensional design concept: interface, hardware, space and information design. 35
  • Greatly broadened design dimensions 45
  • The trend of industrial Internet is changing more and more traditional industries 55
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