Design for Digital Wellbeing
  • Hu Qian Hu Qian LinkedIn Staff Product Designer

    Master of human computer interaction / educational technology, Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently a senior designer at LinkedIn in Silicon Valley, and is now responsible for the product design of LinkedIn Learning instructor and was responsible for the design of LinkedIn job search products. She has been working for Tencent and Hewlett-Packard for nearly 10 years. Participated in the translation of "Designing Search Experience", "Apocalypse".

    Design philosophy: Believe that design can bring positive impact to people and society.

Design for Digital Wellbeing

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Session F1
Meeting room 线上Online
Time 01/01 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

New technologies and services have positively impacted people’s lives by bringing conveniences and entertainments, however they’ve also brought negative impact such as addiction, anxiety, low-efficiency and exhaustion. When various products and services are fighting for user’s attention, where do designers stand? How can we design for users’ wellbeing, while achieving the product and business goals?

At this workshop, the speaker will introduce the concept of digital wellbeing, how it relates to user experience, the methodology of designing for user wellbeing, with the examples from her working experience at LinkedIn and in Silicon Valley. Participants will be able to identify designs that hurt digital wellbeing, learn the methods and principles of designing for digital wellbeing.

This workshop will cover:

1. User wellbeing / digital wellbeing
1.2. What is user wellbeing? How is it different from user experience
1.3. Examples of designs that hurt user wellbeing
1.4. Construction of user wellbeing

2. How to design for user wellbeing
2.1. Information overload
2.2. Sense of acomplishment
2.3. Positive suggestions
2.4. Respect user’s subconscious and intuition
2.5. Attract attention vs Follow attention
2.6. Actively searching vs Passively browsing

3. A team for user wellbeing
3.1. How to balance product and business goals
3.2. Work with user researchers
3.3. Design process

Structure and Agenda

2、Construction and concept of user wellbeing based on theories and real projects
3、Case studies: how to design for user wellbeing
4、Group exercise

Target Audience

1、Interaction/User Experience/Full-stack designer at all levels
2、User researchers at all levels
3、Product managers at all levels
4、Design managers
6、Other roles from the IT industry

Participants Benefit

1、Understand what is designing for user wellbeing
2、Learn principles and methods of designing for user wellbeing
3、Be able to bring a team together to improve user wellbeing

video introduction
Work Case
  • Colorday: apply goal settings in product designs to help
  • Another framework for designing for wellbeing
  • Google digital wellbeing design principles
  • Job search redesign: AI-based guided search experience
  • Job details page redesign and framework
  • Improve user experience for returned users
Guess You Like
  • Colorday: apply goal settings in product designs to help 16
  • Another framework for designing for wellbeing 26
  • Google digital wellbeing design principles 36
  • Job search redesign: AI-based guided search experience 46
  • Job details page redesign and framework 56
  • Improve user experience for returned users 66
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