Design is Like Creating a Better World
  • Thomas Garvey Thomas Garvey World Design Organization (WDO) President-Elect

    Thomas Garvey specializes in product development and design for extreme and minimal environments. Interest in small-scale living spaces came from his work indoors on the space station in New York, and his doctoral research on housing and urban density at the University of Tokyo. For nearly a decade, documenting images and data about how historical minimalist design philosophies can still be seen in a range of contemporary lifestyle designs, living environments, and products that bring meaning to everyday experiences.

    He became involved in hospital ward design after joining the Global University Project for Healthcare Architecture (GUPHA). The international organization looks at how design education can help address the increasingly complex changes that are taking place in hospitals around the world due to expanding and aging populations.

    Thomas Garvey and his team have received numerous awards and their prototypes have been exhibited at conferences and exhibitions around the world, bridging the design and medical fields. He has also been involved in a range of design education curriculum development projects, both within the University and in collaboration with external organisations. Most recently, he was invited to contribute in the field of housing and shelter as an expert at the 2014 ICSID Interdesign Mumbai. Sponsored by the Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Mumbai, this work led to a pilot project in Canada to integrate design thinking into design and business collaborations.

    Thomas Garvey holds a BA in Industrial Design from Carleton University, an MA in Communication Design from Pratt Institute in New York (funded by the Canada Good Design Fellowship from Industry, Trade and Commerce Canada), and a PhD in Architectural Planning from the University of Tokyo (by Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho) Research Fellowship Funding). He also received funding from the Michael Kalil Foundation.

Design is Like Creating a Better World

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Session S4
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/30 13:30-17:00
Type Speech
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

Every individual wishes to contribute their experience, understanding, and special talents, in some way to their community and society at large. Designers contribute through designing. To design is to dream of a better world.

Dreaming is just the beginning. We must then make our dreams real and build them in the world for people to experience. It is in this world of experience that people ultimately accept or reject the new world we imagine. Dream, build, accept.

Out of crises, challenges and opportunities arise that drive the pace and direction of the development of new technologies, products, services, and experiences. At the same time, the human experience has become an enormously important consideration that must be addressed more fully in two important areas. Firstly, the time span between experiencing the new world we are designing and accepting the new world varies greatly across the diversity of our human population. Only by better understanding, embracing, and integrating diversity can we hope for the greatest acceptance of new ideas. Secondly, we know that we can better integrate our dreams of a new world, with our intimate relationship with the natural world of our Earth.

Many of the ideas for the sustainability of Earth resources, the health of life on Earth, and eventually the development of life into the solar system and beyond, can be explored through examples of recent experiences from the space development context. This presentation will provide real examples and connect them to the larger theme of the conference.

Participants Benefit

1、Real examples of large international projects that spanned a wide range of disciplines and regions of the world.
2、Better understanding of how to balance competing forces to bring better experiences to more of the world’s population.
3、Recognition of the deeply inspiring experiences of designing for future scenarios.

Work Case
  • Balance with Nature
  • Goddard Earth Observing System
  • International Collaboration
  • Fuller Earth
Guess You Like
  • Balance with Nature 14
  • Goddard Earth Observing System 24
  • International Collaboration 34
  • Fuller Earth 44
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