How to Build a ToB Enterprise “Customer Experience-Centric” Metrics System
  • Zheng Ximi Zheng Ximi Tencent CSIG Senior Product Experience Designer

    She has been in the industry for 9 years and is mainly responsible for business security products, data visualization products, official website and process platform, and security experience metrics middle platform projects. She has led Tencent's Lingun financial visualization project, Shenzhen CDC data visualization project, content risk control platform, peace of mind platform, anti-fraud and other projects, and has 20 patented inventions and 10 Tencent company-level honors. From ToC to ToB, she has expanded her product service targets and business types, and adhered to the "customer-centric" design concept in different industry tracks.

How to Build a ToB Enterprise “Customer Experience-Centric” Metrics System

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Session B3
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/29 14:00-17:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the digital transformation of enterprises, enterprise information security issues have become more complex and diversified. In order to respond to the market demand for enterprise security, Tencent Security has transformed from toC toB, derived a huge security product matrix with 40+ products, and the design team is also facing transformation and adjustment, changing from "user-centric" to "customer-centric". Based on the practice of enterprise security product design, we have accumulated rich theoretical experience and methodology of customer experience metrics to improve design efficiency. It supports the design of Tencent Security's basic security, business products, internal processes and data platforms and other products and services, outputs systematic tools and methods, empowers collaborative teams of design, product, R&D, operation, delivery services, and marketing, drives the transformation of enterprise processes and organizations, and helps enterprises establish a differentiated competitive advantage in the market competition where technology is gradually maturing.

Through this workshop, participants will get to know the toB customer experience metrics knowledge methodology, including helping junior/intermediate/senior designers to build experience metrics knowledge system, mastering the methods and tools of experience metrics construction, and enhancing the design driving force and influence of design within the organization.

What you will learn in the workshop
1、What is "Experience Metrics" system
1.1 Background and challenges of the experience metrics system
1.2 Introduction of experience metrics concept and usage scenarios

2、The key path of experience metrics construction
2.1 Analysis of the current situation of toB business organization
2.2 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of experience metrics system in domestic and foreign industries
2.3 Construction of "customer experience-centered" experience metrics framework

3、The best practice of product experience in security industry
3.1 Introduction of security privatization/public cloud products
3.2 Introduction of experience metrics concept and strategy from bottom to top
3.3 Design to break the circle and help product, R&D, operation, delivery and other collaborative teams to develop experience metrics strategy
3.4 Design-driven, enterprise process mechanism and tool construction of experience metrics system

Structure and Agenda

1、Introduction to the workshop: an overview of the content
2、Concept introduction: B-side experience metric system design concept, definition, key path and method of system construction, etc
3、Case Study: Best practices explained with a case study of B-side security metric system
4、Hands-on interaction: discussion & sharing of group proposition topics
6、Summary Review

Target Audience

1、2-5 years as a product experience designer
2、2-5 years interaction designer / full stack designer
3、Internet practitioners, people who are interested in the security industry

Participants Benefit

1、Understanding the value and challenges of ToB customer experience metrics
2、Understanding the knowledge system of Tencent's security experience metrics
3、Learn about Tencent's strategy for implementing "customer experience-centered" security in enterprises

Work Case
  • Tencent security experience index clustering
  • Customer centric measurement model of the whole scene and channel
  • Introduction of customer experience concept
  • Product Experience Metric Model
Guess You Like
  • Tencent security experience index clustering 14
  • Customer centric measurement model of the whole scene and channel 24
  • Introduction of customer experience concept 34
  • Product Experience Metric Model 44
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