Experience Upgrade of Content Products Helps Build Z Generation Attention Closed Loop
  • Junyan Wu Junyan Wu Xiaomi Game Experience director

    Responsible for the experience work of Xiaomi group's game business department, focusing on the full link experience Optimization of game related products, and exploring the appropriate design language at all stages of communication with users.
    He once worked for meituan review, deeply ploughed to the store, integrated various businesses, promoted the evolution of intelligent design, and deeply participated in the brand visual construction and content IP brand operation of Black Pearl Restaurant Guide; Director of ACA China Design Committee; Special guests of Huawei global design conference, invited to the UK for exchange and interview; Guest speaker of innovation China Design Forum.
    Design concept: be good at using composite design means and design thinking to solve problems and promote product innovation and business growth.

Experience Upgrade of Content Products Helps Build Z Generation Attention Closed Loop

3551Thumbs Up
Session A7
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 11/18 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

With over 250 million years of experience, China is the largest Z generation in the world.As a native of the Internet, Z generations have a tight bundle of social and consumer behavior.Not only economic independence but also profitability, because consumption advocates more autonomy, Z generation has become the target of consumer goods.

Attention struggle is not an emerging Internet, from the first commercial newspaper to the widespread use of radio in wars, to the TV into the ordinary people's homes, the media, audiences and advertisers bring a unique tripartite game.Today, instead of traditional media, the Internet has become a new attention harvester. Companies of all kinds dig out ideas to gain users'attention and thus make a lot of profits. Generation Z has become a top priority.

Complete closed-loop attention, including attraction, decision-making, action and communication, in the attraction phase, not only need to catch the needs of small groups of people who are seeking novelty and stimulation, but also meet the basic needs of most users to help them release positive emotions and alleviate negative emotions;Attracting users'attention does not mean a successful transformation. Users weigh their multiple motivations and abilities against each other for action, which will be highlighted in sharing as a methodology.In the course of action, users may give up at the same time. We need to meet users'motivation and improve their ability through effective means.After the user has completed the action, the closed-loop is not really completed. All pull-outs that are not for the purpose of dissemination are a waste of company resources, and only with the closed-loop can there be a cycle.

Attention is never a piece of cake. We need to make a new concept positioning for the consumer group by relocating the brand strategy constantly, in line with the trend of consumption upgrading or sinking.Consumer upgrade is not only a price upgrade, but also a service that stands out in the homogenized products, showing users more than expected demand, which will bring good feeling and identity to the brand.This workshop will help entrepreneurs and related practitioners to understand the history of attention struggle, learn the closed-loop of attention, and realize the business value of a consensus on cognitive meaning, and help them understand the enhanced loop between experience-driven and slow traffic.

This workshop mainly includes:

1. Definition and characteristics of Generation Z

2. The Form Evolution and End of Attention Competition

2.1 History of Attention Strive

2.2 Providing Digital Society with Value Judgement for Z Generation

3. Construction of Attention Closed Loop

3.1 Demand Satisfaction in the Attraction Stage

3.2 Understanding differences in user motivations and capabilities through a concentric map

3.3 Disassemble the three main points to enhance user action

3.4 Provide enough reasons for users to build effective communication closed-loop

4. Experience Key Actions for Upgrade

4.1 Jump out of Cognitive Blindness to Create a Level-Over Experience

4.2 Enhanced circuit to drive experience and slow flow

4.3 Building a Business Value Consensus

5. Case Sharing

5.1 Explain how to build a commercially valuable consensus on the whole process by breaking down the closed loop of attention built by the millet game

5.2 How do we organize business activities in the field of game intermodal transport from the perspective of Generation Z

Structure and Agenda

1、Workshop introduction: Brief introduction to activity flow and content summary
2、Explanation of theoretical methodology: the evolution of attention contention and the construction of closed-loop
3、Open Questions and Answers: Questions and Answers on Theoretical Speeches and Free Communication
4、Case Dismantling: Building a Business Value Consensus
5、Practice Interaction: Practice of Group Proposition for Attention Closed-loop
6、Summary Review: Review of Group Practice and Summary of the Workshop

Target Audience

1、 Intermediate / Senior interaction designer
2、 Intermediate / Senior experience designer
3、 Intermediate / Senior Operation Designer
4、Relevant practitioners interested in full link experience Optimization

Participants Benefit

1、Understand the characteristics of Z generation users and jump out of the blind area to create a step-by-step experience
2、Through the overall understanding of the evolution form of competing for attention, it helps entrepreneurs and relevant practitioners to recognize and promote the enhancement of experience and slow traffic
3、Grasp the key points of close-loop attention and help participants to build a consensus of significance with commercial value

Work Case
  • Time slice of attention evolution
  • Decision model of user motivation and capability
  • The abstract construction of cognitive closed loop
  • The full link model of attention closed loop
  • Brand linkage breaks the boundary between brand and effect
  • Series activities of brand awareness building
Guess You Like
  • Time slice of attention evolution 18
  • Decision model of user motivation and capability 28
  • The abstract construction of cognitive closed loop 38
  • The full link model of attention closed loop 48
  • Brand linkage breaks the boundary between brand and effect 58
  • Series activities of brand awareness building 68
  • 78
  • 88
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