3 Steps to Improve Your Marketing Design
  • King Wang King Wang Baidu Senior Designer

    He has been engaged in advertising and marketing design for 14 years, and now works in Baidu MEUX team, responsible for innovative products and 3D special effects team. After years of polishing, he has formed a more mature operation design theory system.
    He has worked in 4A advertising agencies and served e-commerce, games, social, search, live and short video products, including products with hundreds of millions of users and over 100 million revenue.

    Design philosophy: design is business.

3 Steps to Improve Your Marketing Design

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Session E1
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 11/20 14:00-17:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Operation Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

What is the purpose of an operational campaign? What is the role of the operations designer in this?
To solve the problem, we need to go back to the root of the problem and discover what the operations designer should focus on the most according to the first principles of physical objects - to achieve the goal together with the business.
All roads lead to Rome, and there are different design solutions for one purpose, so our superficial visual presentation needs to be supported by the underlying design theory.

Through this workshop, designers and operations PMs and other roles will understand how to work together more efficiently to achieve common operational purposes. Everyone has their own role to play, but also focus on their upstream and downstream work. In particular, the operations designers hope to understand through the presentation that design is not an artistic ego, but an artistic ego to fulfil operational purposes. Through the environment, information and behavior three steps, to help designers easily master the underlying logic of operations.

1. Designing the environment
1.1 No environment, no design: the problems solved by design are all dependent on a control environment.
1.2 The environment is the people: one side of the land nurtures one side of the people, and an environment is a group of people.

2. Information processing and translation
2.1 Guidelines for translation: Letter, Expression and Elegance.
2.1.1 Faith: faith is also true, and truth is not false.
2.1.2 Attainment: attainment, too, and attainment, too, without excess or deficiency.
2.1.3 Elegance: Elegance is literary, and literary is when elegance is elegant and when vulgarity is vulgar.
2.2 Overall information design: how to determine the visual style of the design? To follow a trend or to find a different way?
2.3 Design of information of interest to the user: where is my cheese? The design of information of interest.
2.4 Business and art: teaching you how to balance the two and can be very high on design.

3. Behavioural guidance
3.1 The purpose of leading
3.2 The classic behavioural guidance model.
3.3 Information design in the guise of guidance will be invincible.

4. Techniques
4.1 How to judge a good or bad design. Anyone can review a draft!
4.2 The black art of 2D designers turning to 3D designers.
4.3 Colourful eggs

Structure and Agenda

1、Interactive questions to open the session and mobilise the atmosphere
2、Introduce the topic with questions and explain information design theory based on concrete examples
3、Complete a small example of information design based on current learning
4、What are some ways to boost your numbers by using questions with prizes to guide the party for the second half of the turnaround
5、Introduction of theory by questions and explanation based on case studies
6、Optimisation of the above design case based on behavioural theory
7、Summary and questions

Target Audience

1、Intermediate level or above Operations Designer
2、Operations Specialist above Intermediate level
3、Intermediate Product Manager

Participants Benefit

1、A whole set of operational design theories that underpin all operational design
2、Transformation tools for 3D designers
3、Quick tips to identify good and bad operational design

Work Case
  • Large Organizational Operations
  • Long-term operational activities
  • Du Xiaoxiao Worldview Visual
Guess You Like
  • Large Organizational Operations 18
  • 28
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  • Long-term operational activities 58
  • Du Xiaoxiao Worldview Visual 68
  • 78
  • 88
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