Renew Service Reshape Experience
Future Design Summit
  • Anjoin Liang Anjoin Liang HUAWEI Chief Design Director

    Responsible for user experience design of Huawei products. Early in the field of CT / it / ICT / cloud, through user centered experience and service innovation design, it helped the communication network to lead the world. Then, in the field of consumer terminal and travel, we continue to drive personal, family, travel and other terminal products to become the king with leading design. Liang Jun's cross domain overall experience planning and design across the end / management / cloud / service has made outstanding contributions to the development of information technology and helping people live a better life, and witnessed the vicissitudes of information society transformation. He has won the individual and team gold medal of Huawei for many times.

  • Chao Li Chao Li AliHealth Head of Design Department

    Before 2005-2010, he worked in advertising and media design, new media design, digital art, internet and mobile internet design. 2010-2017, he worked in Alibaba Taobao UED, as a senior experience design specialist in 2017. 2017-2020, he was in charge of the UED team of Abbott Technology and Marketing Department.

  • Jie Ren Jie Ren Tencent Design Director

    She is a senior Internet product experience design expert, an expert member of IXDC and a member of IIDC.
    The design team led by Jie Ren adheres to Tencent's "user-centered" design principle for Internet products. The team has won many industry awards for its design projects and is the author of the book Experience Design Journey.

  • Sheng-Hung Lee Sheng-Hung Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) / IDSA Designer / Researcher

    Sheng-Hung Lee is a designer at MIT. He is inspired by multiple domains of knowledge, different perspectives, and he thrives on creating new value for clients on multi-disciplinary teams.
    Sheng-Hung Lee is a designer, maker, educator, and MIT AgeLab researcher. He is inspired by multiple domains of knowledge, different perspectives, and he thrives on creating new value for clients on multi-disciplinary teams. He is trained as an industrial designer and electrical engineer, and his approach to problem solving is influenced by his passion for how design and technology impact and can be integrated into society. He was invited to be a jury member for multiple international design competitions including IDEA, Spark Design Award, IDA Award and A’ Design Award and Competition. His work has won prestigious awards including IDEA Gold, Braun Prize, Core77 Design Award, Red Dot (Best of the Best), Spark Design Award, European Product Design Award (Gold) and iF Award. His works have also been showcased in Dubai Design Week, Venice Design Week and the Cooper Hewitt museum. Lee taught product design at Fudan University Shanghai Institute of Visual Art and Detao Masters Academy as adjunct Associate Professor from 2015 to 2019.

  • Gianmauro vella Gianmauro vella Pepsico Sr. Design Director

    Gianmauro is the Head of PepsiCo Design for Apac & Amesa.
    Prior to PepsiCo, he worked 6 years at 3M where he created and lead the 3M GCR Design Team.

  • Wen Wang Wen Wang Founder Electronics Associate Director of Typography

    He is the deputy director of font design of the Founder Group, an intermediate technical expert of the Founder Group, a member of ATypI China, a member of the Shenzhen Graphic Designers Association (SGDA) and a member of the China Designers Salon (CDS). He has won more than twenty design awards at home and abroad. His main font design works include, Founder's Pungshu Regular, Founder's Pungshu Line, Founder's Fun Song, Founder's Yashi Black, Founder's Hanwen Regular, VIVO Font, Jingdong Font, GDC Font, etc.

    Design philosophy: beautiful fonts carry civilization, I would like to work for it and leave my mark.

  • Yihong Tao Yihong Tao

  • Eason Shao

    Eason Shao JD Design Director


Renew Service Reshape Experience

3830Thumbs Up
Session R3
Meeting room 三楼报告厅
Time 11/20 14:01-17:01
Type Summit
Language Mandarin
Direction Future Design
Introduction of the summit

Digitization and globalization have broken many barriers of information and technology, and the market has become increasingly transparent and white hot. In the increasingly homogeneous market competition, we need to keep looking for new breakthroughs in order to meet the needs of the rapidly changing market. Especially under the influence of the epidemic, the market changes dramatically, life is almost subversive, access to information is significantly narrowed, so people's liquidity expectations are unprecedented.

Due to the rapid change of business behavior and life style, the updated interpersonal interaction, human-computer interaction, timeliness, dynamic and humanized liquidity expectations need to be realized, which requires enterprises to provide new services and brand renewal to meet the needs of users: relying on digital technology, user-oriented, with insight, prediction of potential needs and on-demand ability; As a new driving force of enterprises, products and services, brand penetrates the market with its unique culture, concept, image and behavior, and integrates function innovation, service innovation and business innovation to create high-value brand and reshape high-quality user experience.

In this future design summit, we invited a number of experts to analyze the current market situation with the participants through project cases in different fields, and jointly explore the experience road with the perspective of new services.

Structure and Agenda
  • Speech 1:《The Strategies of Interactive Experience are Merging Arts with Technology Based on Human Factors》
    Speaker:Anjoin Liang HUAWEI,Chief Design Director

    Informatization and intellectualization have become the Internet Celebrities in the experience industry, but I think informatization and intellectualization only belong to the category of technical tools and operational efficiency. As a technical veteran, I feel that it's not appropriate to talk about user experience from the perspective of technology and machine attributes. I think it's even more inappropriate to talk about Humanization from the perspective of efficiency and ease of use. For example, the awakening of "slow life" at present; More and more people are eager to retire without any mechanical and electronic equipment. They are eager to be slow and disgusted with electronic equipment. Again, there is no essential difference between automatic driving and private driving; There is no essential difference between the automation of smart home and the full automation of his nanny; I was so anxious that I drove home, not because of how powerful the car was, how luxurious and intelligent the home was, but because of the people and things that I was involved in. If you don't have these barriers at home, what's the point of cars and homes. From a humanistic point of view, machines and tools are simply insignificant, because they haven't touched their lives yet. Designers, it is necessary to rethink the boundary of experience.

    Nowadays, we can not assume that the category of "human-computer interaction" is correct. The category of experience should not only focus on the efficiency and intelligence of machines and tools. Born in art, I always think that spirit is the belonging of people's soul, and spirit determines material. In Huawei's 24-year career of 0.5 art and 0.5 technology, Huawei has always adhered to the principle of spirit + material. From the perspective of the dialectical relationship between spirit and material and the law of human factors, human nature and sociality are the two major attributes of human beings. I think the premise is to satisfy human nature / nature, and social attributes should be carried out around this premise. I have always emphasized a thorough insight into human nature. Through the multi field and cross product combination (Technology) of enterprises, we can promote the development and integration of spiritual attributes (Art) and social attributes. The humanistic experience of art and Technology (spirit and material) is a very urgent strategic adjustment for our experience design industry.

    The core content of the summit is divided into four parts: spiritual (Art) and material (Technology) - Multi sensory - surreal experience - whole scene continuity
    1. Human computer interaction experience is a small part of humanistic experience
    1.1 there are some misunderstandings in "experience is interaction", "service is experience" and "simplicity is humanization", so we should return to the right path of humanistic experience
    1.2 the scientific and technological attribute (informatization / intellectualization) of human-computer interaction can only achieve sociality (efficiency tool attribute), which does not belong to the category of human nature, so science and technology has no temperature
    1.3 by introducing the analysis of human factor insight, this paper expounds that human nature is the attribute of natural species, while sociality is the social "species" that revolves around the relationship between people and people, people and things (things), and all social behavior attributes are for seven emotions and six desires

    2. Planning based on humanism and human experience
    2.1 explore human nature and social factors, have a comprehensive insight into yin and Yang, positive and negative of human nature, and have a clear definition and rules of human nature. Change the narrow perspective of human-computer interaction, and plan the strategy of human-computer experience from the perspective of human-computer experience
    2.2 identify the useful elements among the many factors of human and human nature, and distinguish the elements that can be controlled by the means suitable for the current art and technology, and use them flexibly

    3. Human oriented multi sensory surreal experience
    3.1 man is the product of nature, and man must return to nature. Surreal experience is a new way of human experience
    3.2 synaesthesia properties of multiple senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and sensation)
    3.3 multi sensory synesthesia interactive experience practice, maximize the realization of humanistic surreal experience

    4. Live in the human-oriented full scene experience, and explore the effective means of the integration of art and Technology (after having a basic understanding of the human-oriented experience, this paper expounds the integration of art and technology to open up people's family, life, work, travel, private time and other scenes in the current digital life by means of Technology)
    4.1 break the experience of single product, single task and separation of work and life.
    4.2 the easy-to-use threshold of the terminal should be lower
    4.3 homologous spirit and material
    4.4 humanistic strategy of spirit and material

    Conclusion: to transform the human-computer interaction station, to re stand in the perspective of human-oriented experience, to integrate art and technology to open up the whole scene of the synesthesia experience, to build people's spiritual and material surreal experience.

    Work Case
    • Theme of HUAWEI
    • HUAWEI Mate Xs
    • 600+On line dial
    • Art ignites the temperature of science and technology
  • Speech 2:《Design for Healthcare Service:Opportunity & Practice in the Real World》
    Speaker:Chao Li AliHealth,Head of Design Department

    The design opportunities and practice of real world healthcare services, design thinking and precipitation comes from the continuous thinking and problem solving of environmental, social, family and human health issues in the healthcare services and product design that Ali Health is engaged in. By categorising the many medical services into content and information services, medical services and medication services, the design direction of solving disease distress and health problems for the real world as design value, goodwill and healing. We are constantly dismantling the characteristics of healthcare services, taking into account the demands of patients, hospitals and the industry, and using design, technology and commercial means to continuously improve the service experience.

    Kindness and healing are important design values for the healthcare industry, and it is the task of designers in the industry to continue to provide a better healthcare experience for real people in the business by balancing the demands of business, technology and experience. Through a progressive analysis of service types, service relationships, service capabilities, product functionality and design direction. Through design proposition strategies and design implementation methods based around business aspirations and technological tools, we continue to improve the experience of interaction between doctors, patients and medicines, and demonstrate a series of innovative experience solutions.

    In the area of creative brand design, through brand design positioning, brand design strategy and creative design application, we interpret the emotional experience of safe, convenient, equitable, inclusive and accurate healthcare services, to reduce patients' anxiety in the face of medical treatment and medicines, stabilise their emotions and build optimistic values in the face of illness.

    Through user research and demand insight, design proposition, and user experience analysis and testing, we continue to optimise the healthcare experience.

    Work Case
  • Speech 3:Jie Ren《Pushing the Boundaries of Design to Create Design Value》
    Speaker:Jie Ren Tencent,Design Director

    With the rapid development of the Internet, design has evolved and evolved from the early days of beautifying objects, to promoting reach, to improving experience, and it is worth thinking and exploring what else design can do in the future. This talk will focus on design trends, design innovation and design value. Through user research and demand insights, we will consider how design can solve the link between network and life, how to integrate design innovation into modern life, so as to create better product and service experiences, improve people's quality of life, and use the power of design to converge into this era and bring greater value. By breaking through the boundaries of design, more breakthroughs and innovations can be brought about, thus creating better product and service experiences.

    1) Design needs: design needs exist in all aspects of our lives, and when the internet is integrated into people's lives, more links are created.
    2) Design trends: thinking about phenomena, products and trends in a higher dimension to find design focus points.
    3) Design value: break through the boundaries of design, think about more possibilities, and in what other areas the wisdom and ability of design can be unleashed, in addition to the traditional sense of design services.

    Work Case
    • Travel to Dunhuang
    • TVision Design Visualisation
    • Smart Culture and Tourism
  • Speech 4:Sheng-Hung Lee《Human-Centered System Design From Methodology to Implementation—Footwear for the Aging Population》
    Speaker:Sheng-Hung Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) / IDSA,Designer / Researcher

    The purpose of the presentation is to understand the aging population’s ergonomic, health-related, safety-related needs while using in-home footwear/slippers through target user and expert interviews coupled with relevant surveys and market research. In this way, their key pain points can be identified that help come up with an aging population in-home footwear by applying a human-centered design approach paired with system engineering framework and methodology. The presentation demonstrates the design thinking process from the stage of inspiration, ideation, to that of implementation to illustrate the complete and solid product design and development process. And it concludes with a suggested solution including product design, service model, and user experience and scenarios, as well as a set of principle-level design considerations for the future research of the aging population’s in-home footwear.

    Work Case
    • Target User Indoor Trajectory
    • Storyboard 2
    • Concept Design and Scenario 2
    • Target User Journey and Key Touch Points
  • Speech 5:《How to leverage Design & Design thinking to unlock brand desirability and brand love》
    Speaker:Gianmauro vella Pepsico,Sr. Design Director

    The “ secret” behind our Design & Design thinking approach : Mindset – Process – People ( Talents ).

    How to design meaningful and human centric experiences across brands & Geographies.

    The Importance of the Emotional Flow process ( Visceral – Interactive – Expressive ) and the 5 hidden Design roles we cultivate in each designers….

    How to leverage Design & Design thinking to unlock brand desirability and brand love.

    Work Case
  • Speech 6:《Designed for the Screen - Custom Fonts for Screen Display》
    Speaker:Wen Wang Founder Electronics,Associate Director of Typography

    Custom fonts have, in recent years, become a hot topic. Both internationally and domestically, more and more brands are launching brand fonts or custom fonts. And with the popularity and prevalence of mobile terminals, fonts have become even more valuable in the era of small screen reading.

    In the field of Chinese fonts, with the advancement of technology, the time and labour cost of designing and developing a complete set of Chinese fonts is getting lower and lower, which undoubtedly opens up more possibilities for enterprises to customise their fonts. We are ushering in an "era of screen customisation".

    By reviewing the history of Chinese screen customisation and systematically explaining the development of computer screen fonts and mobile phone screen fonts, as well as the applications in different industries and fields such as car screen fonts, bank payment fonts, educational formula fonts and commercial label fonts, the audience will understand the wide range of uses of screen fonts and the unlimited prospects of custom design.

    Work Case
    • Jingdong Longzheng Style
    • The Founder's Pungshu Line
    • vivo custom font
    • Founder's Song
  • Speech 7:Yihong Tao《》
    Speaker:Yihong Tao ,

    Work Case
Target Audience

1、Enterprise managers
2、Brand designer, service designer, interaction designer, visual designer
3、Product Manager
4、User researcher
5、Marketing practitioners
6、People interested in service design

Participants Benefit

1、Understand the current consumption situation and grasp the market development trend
2、Master user behavior and explore how to understand user needs
3、Learn new experience thinking and improve user experience value

Guess You Like
  • 28
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  • Travel to Dunhuang 28
  • TVision Design Visualisation 28
  • Smart Culture and Tourism 28
  • Target User Indoor Trajectory 28
  • Storyboard 2 28
  • Concept Design and Scenario 2 28
  • Target User Journey and Key Touch Points 28
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  • Theme of HUAWEI 28
  • HUAWEI Mate Xs 28
  • 600+On line dial 28
  • Art ignites the temperature of science and technology 28
  • Jingdong Longzheng Style 28
  • The Founder's Pungshu Line 28
  • vivo custom font 28
  • Founder's Song 28
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