Driving business innovation, organizational and business transformation by Design Thinking
  • Claire Yang Claire Yang Accenture Lead of Management Consulting of Greater China

    Ms. Claire Yang is the Managing Director from Products, Lead of Management Consulting of Accenture Greater China.  She has lead plenty of projects of Accenture in hi-tech, petrochemical, metal, medicine and consumer goods fields and thus accumulated lots of experience in helping large state-owned companies of China to promote operating efficiency, and realize commercialization and assisting global multinational companies in developing Chinese market. She focus on corporate and business strategy, corporate restructuring, organization governance, performance management system optimization, marketing strategy formulating and supply chain management promoting. She stands at the strategic level of the company, solves the complex problems in the business field with design thinking, stimulates experience innovation, and achieves business goals.
    Prior to join Accenture in 1997, Ms. Claire Yang holds MBA from Australian National University.

Driving business innovation, organizational and business transformation by Design Thinking

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Session S8
Meeting room 四楼大会堂A
Time 07/20 13:30-17:30
Type Speech
Language Mandarin
Direction Service Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

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