Advanced Design Empowerment Method - Build A Complete Design System
  • JZ Wen JZ Wen Alibaba Cloud Senior UX Design Expert

    In charge of Alibaba Cloud product experience and specification. Responsible for building Alibaba Cloud console design system and corresponding solutions, core cloud product UI design, mobile product UI design, and also in charge of Alibaba Cloud product design solution Xconsole platform. Ex consultant and design expert of SAP Center of Excellence, and participated in many projects such as Volkswagen and PetroChina; Ex Nokia solution engineer, participated in many projects such as China Mobile and China Unicom.
    Design concept: nice to see and easy to use

Advanced Design Empowerment Method - Build A Complete Design System

4080Thumbs Up
Session B10
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 11/18 14:00-17:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

Alibaba Cloud has over 200 cloud products, supporting millions of users' cloud business, and gradually forming a complex and huge product experience ecology. In this process, we have formed a rich design system construction theory and practice, supporting 7 major cloud ecological design systems and providing tools and methods, such as the experience consistency methodology in CSCW 2019, the accessibility design methodology in CHI 2021, and the design model abstracted based on cloud design, have also been certified and included by the China Industrial Design Association, becoming the first interface in the computing industry Design team standards. The design system determines the ecological experience of the product. Building a complete system design is the most important way for design to empower business. Designers can create value through the design system.Hoping to help designers and cloud computing eco-design practitioners discover new opportunities.

The main contents of the workshop include:
1. What is a design system
1.1. The core elements of the design system
1.2. Design guideline
1.3. Design toolkits
1.4. Alibaba Cloud Design System Case Sharing

2. Implementation and development of the design system
2.1. Build a design system platform
2.2. From design to code
2.3. Apply design system to the business
2.4. Measuring the quality of the design system landing
2.5. The development and iterative upgrade of the design system
2.6. Alibaba Cloud product design system landing case sharing

3. Advanced thinking of design system empowerment
3.1. How design drives business innovation
3.2. Consistent design
3.3. Universal Design
3.4. Design empowering ecology

Structure and Agenda

1、Opening theme and background introduction
2、Method explanation: starting from the design system
3、Case sharing: How to continuously optimize and iterate design system in combination with business development
4、Practical interaction: how to make the design system be recognized and used by a wider range of designers, developers, and product managers, and further amplify the commercial value of design empowerment
5、Open communication: Q&A

Target Audience

1、Business Product Designer
2、Cloud Computing Designer
3、User Experience Designer
4、Junior Visual Designer
5、Interaction Designer
6、Product Designer

Participants Benefit

1、A core guideline for type business design, including the shape and spirit of the design system, the core principles to promote the implementation of type business scenarios, and the quantifiable design evaluation methods for type business products
2、A design plan that fits the real scenario of your own business redesign, the best practices in the field of cloud computing, can be directly applied to your own business
3、A customer-oriented, object-oriented way of thinking is based on the top-level thinking accumulated by the design of Alibaba Cloud Design Center

Work Case
  • Accessibility design
  • Consistent design
  • Computer system landing case
  • Cloud product design
  • From design to code
  • Alibaba Cloud Design System Platform
  • Design guideline
  • Design system core elements
Guess You Like
  • Accessibility design 18
  • Consistent design 28
  • Computer system landing case 38
  • Cloud product design 48
  • From design to code 58
  • Alibaba Cloud Design System Platform 68
  • Design guideline 78
  • Design system core elements 88
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