Create the Ultimate Power-up Service Design
  • Liu Mi Liu Mi NIO Experience Expert

    He specializes in user experience and service design and has 10 years of team management experience. He is now NIO automotive experience experts, in charge of energy power experience, in the industry to promote service design and lean design implementation. He was a senior experience expert of ant group, Design Director of Xinhua Zhiyun, Design Director of Mayuyou, head of Sogou user platform design. He has served as an expert member of the Guanghua Long Teng Award, China Service Design Talent Assessment Committee, and won the Guanghua Long Teng Award, China Service Design Industry Top 10 Outstanding Young People, Guanghua Long Teng Award, China Design Young People list.

    Design concept: Service Design can help us systematize the whole process of improving user experience, lean design is from the Assumption, to simplify things, fast landing.

Create the Ultimate Power-up Service Design

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Session C3
Meeting room 5F报告厅
Time 12/23 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Service Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

In modern society, service design has become an important business tool for improving user experience and increasing customer satisfaction. In the field of new energy vehicle charging and replenishing, service design also has a wide range of applications. Through lean design method, based on the user journey chart, continuous optimization and adjustment of service processes can significantly improve user satisfaction and ease of use.

In this workshop, I will interpret the impact of cognitive model on user experience in the process of experience design through the service case of NIO's "rechargeable, replaceable and upgraded", and how to display and land the service design around the user's charging journey. By participating in this workshop, we can better understand the real needs and behaviors of users, so as to provide a strong basis and direction for service optimization, and also provide an exemplary reference for the best practice of service design.

The main contents of this workshop are:
1、What is a cognitive model
1.1 Core elements of cognitive model
1.2 Enrich user experience memory

2、User journey helps improve experience
2.1 User perspective map
2.2 Business Perspective journey diagram
2.3 Experience Policy and implementation
2.4 Experience Metrics - Ease of use and satisfaction

3、Lean design to complete the experience closed loop
3.1 Why is Lean Design an effective method
3.2 Lean Design Best Practices

Structure and Agenda

1、Summary of Theme Background Introduction
2、Workshop content and case explanation
3、Proposition on-site practice session
4、Free communication and Q&A
5、Review Summary

Target Audience

1、User Experience Strategy Leader
2、Medium/senior service and experience design experts
3、Middle/Senior Product Manager
4、Practitioners in the experience industry and those interested in the user experience field

Participants Benefit

1、Understand how to drive work development through experiential design
2、Master the specific application and measurement of service design in the industry
3、Understand the working methods of lean design and how to make best practices

Work Case
  • Nio
  • Nio
  • Lean Design
  • Mental model
Guess You Like
  • Nio 14
  • Nio 24
  • Lean Design 34
  • Mental model 44
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