Open the Pattern of "Making Money" - Securities User Growth and Platform Value Shake Hands
  • Wang Chao Wang Chao Tencent Senior Product Experience Designer

    I am a senior product experience designer who has worked at Tencent for 13 years. I have been responsible for the design of QQ browser, mobile QQ and Tencent stock selection products successively. I have experience in product design of hundreds of millions of user base and product construction design from 0 to 1.

    Design concept: Natural, sincere, build a bridge between products and users.

Open the Pattern of "Making Money" - Securities User Growth and Platform Value Shake Hands

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Session A6
Meeting room 303A
Time 08/03 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

In recent years, with the change of national economic situation, people's attention to the stock market has been increasing. At the same time, the wave of securities digitalization has swept the entire securities industry, and major securities brokerages have increased their investment. Plus economic policy, social environment and other favorable factors, promote the process of securities digitization to improve. In this, the novel coronavirus epidemic has played a catalytic role, and the number of active users of online brokerages showed a high growth trend during the epidemic.

In this workshop, the keynote speakers will share how Tencent Securities, as a financial product under strict supervision, balances user experience and compliance requirements, transforms complexity into simplicity and presents excellent user experience, so that users can continue to grow on our platform and bring continuous value breakthroughs for the platform.

This workshop will share with you:
1、Understand the securities industry - what is the purse strings
1.1 Introduction to securities business and diversity of investment categories
1.2 A-share market development stage, compared with the international market, the historical trend has resumed
1.3 How do the similarities and differences in the styles of financial products at home and abroad, user groups, cultural differences, and aesthetic preferences affect product design
1.4 Differences between securities products and ordinary products and other financial products

2、The combination of user growth and platform value - understand the shareholder group
2.1 A-share market securities group user portrait
2.2 Classification of investment preferences of securities users at different stages
2.3 User growth and wealth management needs, identify the integration point between the growth of securities users and the value of the platform
2.4 Clear design value points in the four roles to establish design value points, balance user experience and compliance

3、Search for handshake point analysis, user-scenario-task analysis
3.1 How to mine user card points on the investment link? User - scenario - task thinking and method introduction
3.2 Case sharing: The profit effect is prominent
· Take the technical user's timing as an example: how does the design excavate the salient points of each demand scenario and sort out the rules from the massive information to achieve the final product goal
· Take the new user trading strategy as an example: how to carry out the stop profit stop loss information intervention plan
3.3 Promote and build design leadership in the field of securities, and seek win-win breaking points
3.4 Practice in class
3.5 User-Scenario-Task Analysis Method Key Points:
· Scenario analysis of conventional/unconventional routines and their applicable scenarios
· Pitfalls and frequently asked questions

4、Communication and Q&A
4.1 Role change of securities product designers
4.2 Communication and Q&A

Structure and Agenda

1、Self-introduction and workshop summary
2、Theoretical explanation: securities industry introduction and user insight, seeking handshake points combined with platform value
3、Case practice: Explain securities design ideas and methods combined with cases
4、Practical interaction: design related themes and display achievements in groups
5、Q&A Communication

Target Audience

1、Medium and senior interaction Designer and product experience Designer
2、Product managers and practitioners in securities and financial industry
3、Practitioners interested in securities industry

Participants Benefit

1、Understand the relevant background of the securities industry and analyze investment preference
2、Learn the user-scenario-task sorting method
3、Explore related ideas of securities design from a new perspective
4、Understand the design trends and influencing factors of financial products at home and abroad

Work Case
  • Analysis of domestic and foreign financial products
  • Analysis of domestic and foreign financial products
  • Stop-loss strategy case
  • Investment analysis ability case
  • Enabling wealth management
  • Enabling wealth management
Guess You Like
  • Analysis of domestic and foreign financial products 16
  • Analysis of domestic and foreign financial products 26
  • Stop-loss strategy case 36
  • Investment analysis ability case 46
  • Enabling wealth management 56
  • Enabling wealth management 66
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