Experience Measurement 3.0—From Experience Measurement to Experience Monitoring
  • Wang Jun Wang Jun ICBC Senior User Researcher

    She worked in the User Experience Department of the Business Research and Development Center of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as the leader of the user experience team. With 9 years of experience in bank user experience, she conducted several user research projects in terms of credit card and credit card APP experience. As the lead author, she published the group standard "ETS User Experience Evaluation Guide for Financial Interface Products"; released of "user experience method system and service list". Adhering to the people-oriented concept of "focus users, not accounts", and creating the ultimate product use experience in the financial field.

    Design concept: Feel the user's feeling, beyond the user's expectation.

Experience Measurement 3.0—From Experience Measurement to Experience Monitoring

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Session B8
Meeting room 305
Time 08/03 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction User Research
keynote content
Content Introduction

Without measurement, there is no management. With the advent of the experience economy, user experience, a vertical professional field emerging from the Internet, has gradually penetrated into every traditional industry. In recent years, the banking business has constantly adapted to the new needs and new scenarios of users, and also began to pay deep attention to the experience measurement and experience management of banking products. Experience measurement starts with the one-dimensional quantitative index NPS, satisfaction, but also has qualitative indicators user voice and experience issues; With the deepening of the digital transformation process, the experience data becomes more diversified, including user behavior data, user portrait, user structure and so on. In the face of massive experience data, is our product experience good or bad, and what should we do next to improve the experience? This workshop covered the index system of experience measurement, how to expand the measurement of product experience level from single-dimensional satisfaction to multi-dimensional experience data by building an experience monitoring system, and then reduce the dimension to calculate the comprehensive experience score reflecting the current product experience level, as well as practical experience strategy and closed-loop experience problem management process. This set of experience monitoring methodology is applied to the construction practice of ICBC E-Life 5.0, and is also applicable to various platform products, with certain reproducibility and malleability.

Through this workshop, participants can learn how the banking industry builds platform product experience monitoring system from 0 to 1. How to overcome the difficulty in obtaining real-time and stable experience data and quantifying the experience level and satisfaction; How to overcome the fact that results cannot be directly translated into concrete actions, achieve accurate user perception and efficient user response, and create the second curve of platform products and other practical problems.

The core content includes the following three parts:
1、Develop experience monitoring objectives and scope
1.1 Comprehensive, real-time and landing: Determine the objectives of experience monitoring based on product attributes
1.2 Define the scope of experience monitoring among a large number of products and functions on the platform or channel, and establish a journey catalog based on the monitoring granularity

2、Build and deploy the monitoring system
2.1 How to build the experience monitoring system
· Determine experience data classification
· Determine the corresponding relationship between different categories of experience data
2.2 How Do I Deploy the Experience Monitoring Function
· Deployment platform satisfaction and user voice data entry
· Determine the access path of behavioral data and user characteristic data

3、Self-perfection of experience monitoring
3.1 Continuous application of experience monitoring
· Understand the application of experience monitoring results to business innovation
3.2 Self-optimization with monitoring results
· Accumulated experience monitoring problem closed-loop practice
· Tune and tune the monitoring model with the new business objectives

Structure and Agenda

1、An overview of the topic background
2、Platform experience monitoring system construction method and practice
3、Practical interaction: Propositions for financial scenarios or platform products and attempts to build a monitoring system
4、open question and answer :Q&A free exchange
5、Summary and review

Target Audience

1、Customer experience management practitioners
2、Medium/Advanced User Researcher
3、Relevant practitioners interested in platform product experience monitoring system

Participants Benefit

1、Master the methodology of building platform product experience monitoring system
2、Familiar with the practical operation process of building platform product experience monitoring system
3、Enrich your thinking in the field of experience research and experience measurement

Work Case
  • Experience Measurement 3.0- Experience Monitoring
  • Experience the monitoring analysis model
  • Experience monitoring Kanban
  • Experience monitoring Kanban2
Guess You Like
  • Experience Measurement 3.0- Experience Monitoring 14
  • Experience the monitoring analysis model 24
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