Product User Thinking Behind User Experience Research Operating System
  • Duan Lei Duan Lei Lenovo Senior User Experience Design Expert

    I work in the experience design Department of Lenovo China Enabling Center, and I am in charge of the user Experience Group. With 13 years of user experience research experience, he has led user experience projects in consumer intelligent products, commercial conference products, user service system, smart medical and education fields in the past 3 years.

    Comprehensive use of design thinking, service design, experience evaluation and other experience research methods to enable product experience competitiveness, precipitation of high product applicability, matching the full life cycle of product user experience analysis and measurement systems and methods, successfully support traditional business iteration and new product incubation. The projects he is responsible for have won service design awards such as IF in Germany and IDEA in the United States.

    Design philosophy: Focus on product balance and breakthrough between commercial value and user experience.

Product User Thinking Behind User Experience Research Operating System

2654Thumbs Up
Session A4
Meeting room 302A
Time 08/03 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction User Research
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the continuous advancement of "experience era", the building of product experience competitiveness is no longer a single point breakthrough, but more need to "experience journey" to break through the breaking point of product competitiveness. User experience research is an important part behind the thinking of product users. How to build the "work journey" of user experience research system to help products build experience competitiveness, break the barriers between departments, and form collaborative experience innovation?

This workshop will discuss with you how to build a "working journey" of user experience research that matches the full life cycle of products, and share a set of cross-category and multi-product attribute experience research system and methods. Combined with the practical cases of the system in the process of complex organizational collaboration and cross-category product implementation, it helps people to understand how the experience research work can better form the driving force and leading value in the process of product definition, design and development and iteration.

Specific sharing and exchanges in the workshop include:
1、Value cognition of user experience research
1.1 Recognition of user experience research
1.2 Positioning of user experience research in product projects
1.3 What changes should be made in user experience research work

2、Construction of "work journey" of user experience research
2.1 Applicable to cross-category and multi-attribute user experience research working system
2.2 How to play the value in the whole life cycle of the product
2.3 In the process of landing, how to break the barriers between businesses and realize the transformation of experience

3、Experience research practice
3.1 Research on user experience of consumer intelligent products: enabling product experience optimization and competitiveness improvement
3.2 Research on user experience of full-scene (software/hardware/service) products: Lead the design of multi-touch experience of full-scene

Some cases:
1、Boutique creation case: thinkplus lipstick power supply
2、Hardware and software combination product case: Lenovo personal cloud storage product
3、Full-scene experience design case: Lenovo intelligent conference System
4、Complex application system experience design case: Lenovo Chronic Disease Management system experience design
5、Share new product cases in 2023

Structure and Agenda

1、Introduction of the workshop: Content summary and interactive exchange of cognition of user experience research by different job functions
2、Theoretical methods: Explain the working methods and system of user experience research in the whole life cycle of products
3、Case analysis: Practical explanation and interactive discussion of user experience research of consumer intelligent hardware and scene innovation projects
4、Practical interaction: Group experience research process design practice of theme projects
5、Open questions and answers: Q&A free exchange
6、Summary and review

Target Audience

1、Medium/senior experience Designer, service designer and product Designer
2、Medium/Advanced User Researcher
3、Product Manager or project management personnel
4、Product developers and entrepreneurs interested in full-link user experience system

Participants Benefit

1、Understand the value and concept of user experience research in the overall process of product design and development
2、Master the working methods and systems of user experience research in the whole life cycle of products
3、Help listeners improve product competitiveness through user experience research in product projects

Work Case
  • Research and breakthrough on user experience of personal cloud storage products
  • Lenovo intelligent conference system experience design
  • Lenovo Homecare chronic disease management system
  • 6D Experience Design Process
  • The positioning and value of user experience research
  • User experience research in the organization of work strategy
Guess You Like
  • Research and breakthrough on user experience of personal cloud storage products 16
  • Lenovo intelligent conference system experience design 26
  • Lenovo Homecare chronic disease management system 36
  • 6D Experience Design Process 46
  • The positioning and value of user experience research 56
  • User experience research in the organization of work strategy 66
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