Social Gain: Shaping the Emotional Value of a Product
  • Shawn Woo Shawn Woo ByteDance Senior Experience Designer

    He is a senior experience designer at bytedance design centre, a former senior interaction designer in Tencent, and a certified course lecturer. He is one of the top 100 international designers of experience design. Master of human-computer interaction, has more than ten patents. He has been in charge of experience design and planning for a number of social entertainment products, helping the company to win better social impact and market efficiency. He is the author of the experience design column“Experientialism”, read more than 1 million online.

    Design concept: experience the visual angle to see the product, the product thought does the design.

Social Gain: Shaping the Emotional Value of a Product

2477Thumbs Up
Session D3
Meeting room 5F报告厅
Time 12/23 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

Although the social market has wechat and QQ, new social products are still emerging in endlessly. Today's social products are dazzling, and social software is also divided into various types, from different content to different social relationships, which means that the positioning of products is different. Is there a chance for new social products? How to find the breakthrough point to make a breakthrough?

This workshop shared around the "social sense of acquisition", through the actual cases such as cut film, QQ, guess song planet, etc. to tell how to shape the "emotional value" of the product, and win the recognition of users.

Specific workshops include:
1、Social gamification: Social x music x games
1.1 Strengthen interpersonal relationships
1.2 Continuous game structure
1.3 Deepen emotional design

2、Social media: video x identity x random
2.1 Analysis of current situation and opportunity points
2.2 Disassemble the essence and characteristics of video social communication
2.3 Specific approaches to social sense of acquisition

3、Social live broadcast: video x vertical x live
3.1 Easily win users through "mind shaping"
3.2 Use the "Behavior Model" to develop user behavior
3.3 Promote "design gain" to enable product growth

Structure and Agenda

1、Workshop introduction: Brief introduction of the content
2、Concept explanation: Conceptual model introduction, including model content derivation and content
3、Case analysis: The practical application of specific project cases, and how to land in various stages
4、Practice interaction: Group propositions for practice
5、Open Q&A: Q&A sessions and free communication
6、Summary Review

Target Audience

1、Elementary and intermediate level interaction designer, visual designer
2、Product Manager for innovative social projects
3、Internet practitioners interested in product planning and interaction design

Participants Benefit

1、Understand innovation models and methods
2、How to put theory into practice
3、Explore and cultivate innovative thinking

Work Case
  • Case: Collaborative creation by Shear Yingyun
  • Case: Guessing Song Planet - Music Game Interaction
  • Design Strategy C
  • Design Strategy B
  • Design Strategy A
  • Product Experience Analysis
Guess You Like
  • Case: Collaborative creation by Shear Yingyun 16
  • Case: Guessing Song Planet - Music Game Interaction 26
  • Design Strategy C 36
  • Design Strategy B 46
  • Design Strategy A 56
  • Product Experience Analysis 66
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