Build the System of CMB -- Improve the Use Experience of Enterprise & Middle and Background Systems
  • Wang Yan Wang Yan CMB UX Designer

    I have 2 years' experience in collaborative office products in Huawei, mainly responsible for product design of WeLink, 3MS, etc., and 5 years' experience in B-terminal products in Tencent, mainly responsible for product design of Tencent Cloud, and participating in the construction of enterprise design system of Tencent TDesign. Now I am UX designer in China Merchants Bank. Led the team to take charge of the design management platform and the overall design of Devops platform. I focused on the construction of the design system of enterprise & middle and background products in the financial industry, and the end-to-end delivery construction of experience design.

    Design philosophy: To find and solve problems more systematically, to bring more value to the business and users.

Build the System of CMB -- Improve the Use Experience of Enterprise & Middle and Background Systems

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Session D5
Meeting room 302B
Time 08/05 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

CMB's enterprise-level & middle and back office products are characterized by high professional degree in business fields, complex roles, diverse scenarios and heavy repetitive workload, which make design practitioners face many challenges when taking over projects. During the rapid development of ToB, enterprise-level & middle and background products, as business support, are directly related to the work efficiency of the business team, and their importance and influence cannot be ignored.

In the face of a series of challenges such as business development, product experience and limited manpower, how can the design team reduce cost and increase efficiency for the business team, and effectively drive the overall improvement of the product experience? In this workshop, the speakers will combine the construction of design assets & upstream and downstream tools, share the construction of financial industry enterprises and & middle and back office product design system, to help designers in the face of similar situations can draw lessons, better play and enhance the impact and value of design in business.

This workshop mainly covers:
1、Interpret the challenges facing the design: Introduce the financial business background and related challenges, and let the audience understand why the team is building the design system related products
1.1 Service Introduction
1.2 Design challenges encountered by the team
· In the face of business pressure -- in the period of rapid business development, how to better meet the needs of large-scale production?
· Product experience -- middle and background products lack systematic design based on user thinking and usage scenarios, resulting in poor overall experience; With so many systems, cross-platform experience is difficult to unify
· Team value -- many repetitive and simple designs consume time, affecting professional sedimentation and design value

2、Design system construction: Combined with the actual project, let the audience know how we build the design system and how to apply it to the system in the industry
2.1 China Merchants Bank design system construction: From 0 to 1, China Merchants Bank's enterprise-level & middle and background design system is built in three stages
· Understanding and designing of banking business (sorting out the overall business overview, identifying the commonalities of user scenarios, sorting and summarizing)
· Content construction of design system (design specification & design mode)
· Management and operation of design assets (operation and maintenance of design team assets)
2.2 Construction and application of system tools
· Efficiency tools (related to product page design, material operation, etc.)
· Collaboration tools (use of collaboration tools)
2.3 Construction of experiential digital management

3、Exploration of industrial design mode
3.1 Exploration of production mode based on business scenarios
3.2 Presentation of specific cases

Structure and Agenda

1、Icebreaker Session: Summary of the speaker and the content of the speech
2、Explanation of basic concepts: Definition and characteristics of enterprise-level & middle and background products and challenges faced by China Merchants Bank design team
3、Design methodology discussion: Combined with the actual project, let the audience grasp the business panorama establishment method and how to precipitate the product design pattern
4、Practice interaction: set the proposition field practice interaction
5、Review summary and Q&A

Target Audience

1、Beginning/Intermediate interaction Designer, Product Designer, Visual Designer
2、Interested in enterprise & back office product design in the financial sector
3、People who are interested in designing system related construction

Participants Benefit

1、Understand the design system precipitation strategy and method
2、Master the business panorama output method, how to precipitate the business general design pattern method
3、Practice cases of designing system related tool products

Work Case
  • Case: China Merchants Bank enterprise & middle background design system construction
  • Case: Material Center + cloud exhibition hall configuration tool
  • Design management platform construction objectives
  • Example: Topic configuration tool chain
  • Case: Design System Construction -- Common scenario
  • Platform product matrix
Guess You Like
  • Case: China Merchants Bank enterprise & middle background design system construction 16
  • Case: Material Center + cloud exhibition hall configuration tool 26
  • Design management platform construction objectives 36
  • Example: Topic configuration tool chain 46
  • Case: Design System Construction -- Common scenario 56
  • Platform product matrix 66
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