Accessibility Design With Love
  • Fan Yunan Fan Yunan Microsoft Senior Product Designer

    8 years of experience in product and interaction design. Senior Product Designer at Microsoft. He has worked for ODSP, Cortana, Bing. He serves product scenarios for enterprise, education users and mass consumers. Currently focused on exploring work culture models that promote effective team collaboration.
    Microsoft 2022FHL Hacker Week: Best innovation FHL, Best Complete FHL, People's Choice rewards.

    Design philosophy: We design with love for everyone.

Accessibility Design With Love

3289Thumbs Up
Session D3
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/31 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

Today, 15 percent of the world's human population is being denied full access to technology because of physical disabilities. It's not just Braille that helps blind people connect to society, it's the same electronic devices that you and I use. I believe that it is not technology that creates barriers, but people who do not care.

Through the "One Point Design, Ten Points Love" workshop, I hope to explore with you step by step.
Why should we pay attention to accessible design? How can we make our design inclusive from birth? How to make our design inclusive from birth?

The main contents of this workshop are
1. Why we need to care about accessible design
1.1 Review of the interview with Ling, a blind masseuse
1.2 Office Ribbon Accessible Design Case
1.3 Our Mission of Design

2、Designing what you can see
2.1 Everyone has a moment of visual impairment
2.2 How to ensure my design can be seen

3、Designing content that can be interacted with
3.1 How people with disabilities operate computers
3.2 How people with disabilities operate cell phones
3.3 How to define the interaction behavior in assistive mode

4、Designing content that can be heard
4.1 What is read aloud on the screen
4.2 How to define the controls in screen reading

Structure and Agenda

1、Accessible Design Background Summary
2、Workshop content and case studies
3、Interactive session: Apply the methods of accessible design to the issues in the amendment example. (Bringing a computer is recommended)

Target Audience

1、All Internet practitioners who are interested in accessible design
2、Interaction Designer, Visual Designer, Product Designer
3、Product managers involved in feature design
4、Independent developers

Participants Benefit

1、Learn how design empowers people with no barriers
2、Gaining knowledge about visual, auditory and interactive behavioral design methods in accessibility design
3、Gain the confidence to bring an accessible experience to your product

video introduction
Work Case
  • How blind masseurs interact with products
  • Keyboard operation with screen swipe
  • Contrast exercise
  • Good design is accessible
Guess You Like
  • How blind masseurs interact with products 14
  • Keyboard operation with screen swipe 24
  • Contrast exercise 34
  • Good design is accessible 44
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