How to Have a User-centered Design in the Internet Product under a Rapid


Li Ma

Yifei Xu

Workshop Introduction:

The speed of Internet product interaction is very rapid, the Internet teams is very small, so the teams are sensitive to the cost. How are the traditional user research methods, user-centered design methods adapt to the small and rapid teams? We will share some relative hands-on and exploring experience.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. theme background introduction

2. user research

3. interaction design

4. interactive discussion



14:00-17:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

La Ma:

Product Design Manager , Innovation Works
He graduated with a undergraduate course in design professioin, with a master degree in human-computer interaction;

He has worked at IBM, at Innovation Works , devoted to promoting user experience research and design of mobile Internet.


Yifei Xu

Product Design Manager , Innovation Works

In 2001, Xu graduated from Tsinghua University, attained a bachelor degree in biomedical engineering ;

In 2003, he graduated from Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, attained a master degree in engineering psychology.

He is one of the earliest professionals who engaged in usability design and user research.