How to Tap the Commercial Value of Experience Design(B3)

Eddie Guo

Jonathon Wong

Workshop Introduction:

When demand is reduced, the first is the experience requirements. Many products have stayed at the base of the "useful" part of experience design, not as important as we thought. The first one to be blamed is the designer when a bad product experience.

Are we Watching a good product into a bad product, but do nothing, over and over again We considered only "painting interface"? Boss is a pig, or are we really incompetent? Is not no way to change all this?

The workshop though user analysis research, the concept of the story,data mining tracking, prototype details, and other aspects of the analysis put forward a different point of view Through on-site fire training, so that product designers to more effectively intobusiness value, enhance the designer's personal values and influence, from passive to active.

Make the product experience truly become the core competitiveness in the commercial value.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. industries of the environment, traditional design methods outlined

2. proposition background group work and analysis

3. cases comparison, innovative methods



09:00-12:00, September 18th

Personal Introduction

Eddie Guo:

User Experience Designer , Alipay
Served product manager, D-media account manager, product advisor, product manager&interaction designer Product designer currently Alipay checkout.


Jonathon Wong:

Product Experience Designer , Alipay

Engaged in advertising, planning, etc., Founder of Haka studio and, Current Alipay senior product experience designer,and PED team manager in C-Department of Alipay.