Design Mobile Product Interaction design by Storytelling Way(A5)


Elya Chen


Alex Hill

Workshop Introduction:

How to design product for the real user? How to understand the scene? How to make your mobile product dramatic? How to make your user understand you?How to design mobile product by storytelling way? This workshop will find the way.


Workshop Arrangement:

1. Introduction of interaction design work flow

2. Design mobile product interaction design by storytelling way

3. Practice



14:00-17:00, September 17th

Personal Introduction

Elya Chen

Senior Interaction Designer , Baidu MUX
She is an internet observer and also a deep bloger。She graduated from the Communication University of China,and mastered in Digital Media Arts, mobile multimedia and NGN Lab。


Alex Hill

UE Manager , Baidu MUX

She used to serve in Yahoo China and Unisplendour Corporation Limited (UNIS), with wide experience of product design. Since 2006, she has joined the Baidu, and successively undertook the position of user interface designer and manager for the vertical search-based product, client product and mobile internet product. Currently, she is in charge of the mobile user experience department, while concentrates on the mobile product design and user experience research. Her design motto is: to create the driven design, which could improve the value of the product.