Mapping Experience To Activate Space with Digital
  • Rainer Wessler Rainer Wessler Gensler Regional Head of Digital Experience

    During my time in China I have led many digital design and innovation projects. At Gensler I run a Digital Experience Design team in the context of the Architecture and Interior design practice.

Mapping Experience To Activate Space with Digital

4233Thumbs Up
Session B6
Meeting room VIP3-2
Time 12/17 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

In this workshop, we will explore how digital and spatial design can come together to create a memorable and complete experience. We will design for a real space on site. In the process, Gensler's experience index model will help us find design opportunities in the space. We will brainstorm in groups, using a series of digital + spatial prototyping methods to create a better experience and reactivate the space



1.1 因为人行为的演变,人们利用空间的方式也发生了变化
1.2 空间成为了一个可以被迭代优化的平台

2.1 空间体验指数的缘由
2.2 空间体验指数在实际案例中的应用
2.3 空间体验指数的使用方法

Structure and Agenda

1、Workshop Introduction to Gensler's Experience Index (EXI) and Digital Placemaking
2、Team application of Gensler's EXI online tool
3、Opportunity Definition
4、Ideation & Prototyping
5、Shareback and Learnings

Target Audience

1、Interaction Designers
2、Creative Coders / Design Technologist
3、Interior Designers (Retail, Workplace, Public Space)
4、Connected Spaces Enthusiasts

Participants Benefit

1、Learn about Gensler's Experience Index
2、Ideate and prototype immersive and connected experiences

video introduction
Work Case
  • Yalong Bay - Sanya, Digital Chandelier
  • Cadillac House, SH - 360 Projection Backdrop
  • Delos HQ, NY - Connected Space & Environmental Data
  • Delos HQ, NY - Connected Space & Environmental Data
Guess You Like
  • 18
  • 28
  • 38
  • 48
  • Yalong Bay - Sanya, Digital Chandelier 58
  • Cadillac House, SH - 360 Projection Backdrop 68
  • Delos HQ, NY - Connected Space & Environmental Data 78
  • Delos HQ, NY - Connected Space & Environmental Data 88
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