Digitalization Drives The Upgrade of Financial Service Experience
  • Zhang Yang Zhang Yang

    现任度小满金融用户体验部的用户体验设计专家 ,于2014年加入百度,先后负责百度旅游、地图景点、百度股市通、百度理财等产品交互设计,2018年拆分为度小满后,继续负责度小满金融财富方向理财、基金、股票、支付多个产品的交互体验设计及整体交互输出把控。


Digitalization Drives The Upgrade of Financial Service Experience

3784Thumbs Up
Session A3
Meeting room 302A
Time 12/17 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
keynote content
Content Introduction

In finance, the evolution of customer experience has always been closely linked to digital technology. From traditional face-to-face services to online platforms, financial services have experienced a leap from word-of-mouth to standardized services. Today, the wave of digitalization is taking our relationship with our customers to a whole new level - reintroducing "face to face" communication through digital Bridges, making financial services more accessible to everyone.

This talk will delve into the following topics:

1. Review the evolution of the digital financial services experience and show how it has gradually shaped today's financial landscape.
2. Analyze the upgrade path of digital financial experience:
2.1 Refined hierarchical design of customer experience to ensure that each user's needs can be accurately met.
2.2 Cross-modal scene interactive experience, breaking traditional boundaries, providing smooth and seamless service experience.
2.3 Multi-dimensional design decision model, using data-driven design to achieve more intelligent and efficient service delivery.
3. Explore how digitization stimulates design imagination, unlocks innovative solutions, and uses data to refine the design decision process.

We hope to help attendees better understand how digitization is transforming the financial experience and how data can be used to improve design innovation and decision quality.

Structure and Agenda

Target Audience

1、Digital related industry designer
2、Academics and researchers interested in the digital economy and the shape of the future economy
3、Financial industry related designers and researchers

Participants Benefit

1、Better understand the changes in the financial experience brought about by digitization
2、How to better use data to improve design innovations and design decisions

Work Case
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