Designing for Almo: an augmented human from the future
  • Momo Estrella Momo Estrella IDEO Senior Interaction Design Lead

    Momo Estrella is a Senior Design Lead at IDEO China. As an Interaction Designer, he translates human-centered insights into opportunities for designing digital products, services, and experiences that truly matter to people. At IDEO he works with clients to collaboratively develop conditions for innovation and to create delightful and holistic experiences for Chinese consumers.

    Before joining IDEO, Momo held leadership roles at Publicis.Sapient, The Imagination Group, and EF Education First. His experience covers a variety of industries including education technology, entertainment, travel, retail, consumer products, and mobility. Some of his clients included Alibaba, Marriot, DBS Bank, Huawei, Lincoln, and Jaguar Land-Rover. Momo is a sought-after speaker on topics related to design, innovation, and behavior. He sits on the Advisory Board for, and mentors selected startups at SOSV's Chinaccelerator.

    From 2000 to 2008, he spent 9 years in different Universities in Ecuador designing his own future: Computer Science, Psychology, Design, and Business. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Programming (Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation) from the Latin Institute of Technology.

Designing for Almo: an augmented human from the future

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Session S7
Meeting room 二楼-宴会厅
Time 11/16 14:00-17:30
Type Speech
Language English
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

From shows like “Humans” to “Westworld”, popular culture is full of dystopian visions of a higher intelligence that ranges out of control and overtakes humanity.
Is this the only way to look at the AI-powered future?

What if AI is not about replicating or replacing humans with machines, but to enhance and extend human capabilities?

What if we as designers can combine the best of both worlds: the irreplaceable and nuanced insights borne from human intuition, along with the power of machines? 

This talk is a thought-provoking exploration of designing for the augmented human from the future. We will be looking at future scenarios where our environments, senses, cognition, and physique will be drastically different; future profiles where people’s abilities, purpose, and constructs will be given rather than shaped; and technologies where machines will take care of a lot more actions, decisions, and efforts that we can possibly imagine.

Exclusively created for IXDC, this talk will be about how human-centered design might evolve with human capabilities massively enhanced by machines.

Participants Benefit

1、The audience will walk away with a refreshed understanding of “AI”
2、The audience will feel propelled to redefine the meaning and the future of their job   
3、The audience will have some frameworks that might help them to think about designing for the future

Work Case
  • Empathy writer
Guess You Like
  • 主旨演讲 Xin XiangyangCity University of Macau,Associate Vice Principal & Professor
  • 工作坊 Huang GuofengNetease,Design Director
  • Empathy writer 11
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