Big Data, Principles and Patterns: Design for Intelligent Services
  • Doug Walston Doug Walston Microsoft Design Director, Studio 8

    Doug Walston is the Design Director for Microsoft Software Technology Center Asia where he leads the Studio 8 cross-product and cross-discipline Design team. Prior to joining Microsoft, Doug led the Industrial Design, UX Design and Design Research teams in Lenovo Mobile Devices across several locations in China. Prior to Lenovo, he held Design leadership roles in Nokia and Motorola. In addition to his work on mobile devices, software and services, Doug has a broad range of design experience in multimedia, web and environmental graphics. A frequent speaker at Universities and conferences, Doug loves to share his experience designing in fast-paced organizations with diverse and geographically distant teams. When he’s not busy making technology accessible to everyone he enjoys traveling with his family and exercising culinary artistry.

    Doug holds a BFA in Industrial Design from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from the University of Texas at Austin (where he learned to cook ‘real’ barbeque).

Big Data, Principles and Patterns: Design for Intelligent Services

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Session S4
Meeting room 二楼-宴会厅
Time 11/16 14:00-17:30
Type Speech
Language English
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

While the world gets excited about Artificial Intelligence, the reality is that we are in the very early phases of implementing truly helpful, smart experiences built on user behavior.

Doug will discuss the cornerstones of Microsoft’s Design for AI: Big Data, Design Principles and Emerging Patterns.

Using examples of Microsoft products, Doug will illustrate approaches that leverage Machine Learning and other techniques to build experiences which are useful, usable and even a little magical.

Participants Benefit

1、Participants will get insight into Microsoft’s Design Principles for intelligent services.
2、Doug will provide a framework for thinking about how to incorporate ML and other AI technologies into real products.
3、Participants will learn about how experimentation is critical to developing great AI powered experiences.

Work Case
  • Forms Ideas
  • Design Principles
  • Is coffee good for you
  • Design Ideas
Guess You Like
  • 工作坊 Crayon MinYen HsiehOnePlus,Head of UX
  • 主旨演讲 Xin XiangyangCity University of Macau,Associate Vice Principal & Professor
  • Forms Ideas 14
  • Design Principles 24
  • Is coffee good for you 34
  • Design Ideas 44
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