Localization Design: Shaping the New Experience of International Logistics
  • Wang Chen Wang Chen BytDance Experience Designer

    I have 8 years of experience in interactive design and 5 years of experience in logistics industry. He has worked at Pilotfish(Munich), ARK Innovation Consulting, Alibaba Cainiao, ByteDance and other companies. I am good at combining online and offline design with multiple roles, and finally turning experience problems into business values clearly. I have been a lecturer of IXDC2022 and Campus Aisa(Zhejiang University x Alibaba). Excellent paper of UXPA 2022, author of column of Alibaba Design public account, and a number of national invention patents.

    Design philosophy: Design to solve problems.

Localization Design: Shaping the New Experience of International Logistics

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Session C3
Meeting room 302A
Time 08/04 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
keynote content
Content Introduction

In the development process of TikTok's e-commerce business, it needs to serve consumers in multicultural backgrounds, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Southeast Asia, etc., which means highly diversified business scenarios. Especially for logistics, which is an offline experience scene, it brings great challenges to designers.

This workshop will take you to understand how we deeply study the logistics service demands of consumers in different regions, how to carry out cross-cultural and cross-team collaboration in work, and finally series multi-end design, gradually shaping the international logistics experience.

The specific content of this workshop includes:
1、Business challenges: differentiated logistics service demands of consumers in different regions
1.1 Cultural attributes of consumers in different regions are different (see *Hofstede Regional culture Model). This will affect the localization of copywriting expression, product logic and other dimensions;
1.2 Consumers in different regions have different minds on basic logistics services, such as delivery time, logistics aging, etc.
1.3 Diversification of logistics modes: for example, logistics modes -- cross-border/local, platform delivery/merchant self-delivery and other dimensions.

2、Organizational collaboration: cross-cultural and cross-team collaborative work
2.1 Cross-city, cross-country, cross-time zone and cross-cultural collaboration
2.2 Multi-end and multi-team collaboration
2.3 The cost of cross-cultural understanding increases

3、How to solve the above problems by means of design
3.1 Consumer Side
3.1.1 Multi-dimensional user survey method
3.1.2 Localized interface expression
3.1.3 Localization copywriting

3.2 Logistics operation side
3.2.1 Visual multilingual copywriting configuration tool
3.2.2 Agile verification methods

3.3 Merchant Side
3.3.1 Logistics packaging optimization scheme
3.3.2 Output of educational content of merchants

* Note:
· Hofstede's regional culture model: Hofstede, a Dutch psychologist, believes that culture is a psychological process shared by people in an environment, which can distinguish a group of people from others. Through research, he summarized the differences between cultures into six basic value dimensions: power distance, individual/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term/short-term orientation, self-indulgence and constraint.

Structure and Agenda

1、Background introduction: From the perspective of logistics, what localization challenges are faced in the process of going overseas?
2、Case explanation: Based on actual cases, understand the differentiated demands of consumers in different regions and cultural backgrounds for logistics services, as well as localized solutions;
3、Generalization: Structured sorting out design elements that need to be considered in the localization process to form a reusable check list;
4、Practical interaction: Group discussion and interaction based on localization scene proposition
5、Open Questions and Answers

Target Audience

1、Preliminary/intermediate/senior user experience designers, user researchers, product managers, etc., interested in industrial Internet industry
2、Preliminary/intermediate/senior user experience designers, user researchers, product managers, etc., who are interested in the enterprise going overseas and the corresponding internationalization and localization process
3、Early/middle/senior user experience designers, user researchers, product managers, etc., who are interested in connecting multi-end experiences

Participants Benefit

1、How can designers gain insight into user demands under different regional cultural backgrounds when enterprises are going overseas
2、In the face of multiple market segments, what internationalization and localization factors should designers consider, and how to strike a balance between differentiated design cost and delivery efficiency
3、In the process of multi-terminal, multi-role and long-link cross-border logistics, how to establish the awareness of the full link and achieve the unified goal through multi-terminal design

Work Case
  • Design localized end-delivery experience based on differentiated delivery addresses
  • Logistics timeliness research report
  • Experience the whole process of international logistics
  • Hofstede Model of regional culture
Guess You Like
  • Design localized end-delivery experience based on differentiated delivery addresses 14
  • Logistics timeliness research report 24
  • Experience the whole process of international logistics 34
  • Hofstede Model of regional culture 44
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