Meeting Overview

China Interaction Design Experience Day is organized by IxDC ever year.China Interaction Design Experience Day 2011(Short Tilte:IxD2011),the second IxD conference, will be held at "Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing" in BeiJing,from Sep 17th to Sep 18th,2011.
    The theme for this conference is "Good Design·Interaction Future",wants to convey the spirit of "Caring For The People".
    IxD2011 welcomes your participation and looks forward to your arrival.


Program Date Address
WelcomeNote & Opening Keynotes Sep 17th,AM Century Hall
Workshops Sep 17th,PM - Sep 18th Multifuction Hall
IxD Educational Forum Sep 17th,PM - Sep 18th Multifuction Hall
IxD Exhibits Sep 17th - Sep 18th Exhibition Hall
IxD Sample Reels Sep 17th,AM Century Hall


Guangdong Industrial Design Association

Host Unit

  • IxDCIxDC
  • UCDChinaUCDChina

Operating Unit

Guangzhou SHANE Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

Official Media