【Online Speech】Beyond Rational & Functional: Brand, Narrative, and Craft in Technology.
  • Gadi Amit Gadi Amit NewDealDesign LLC Principal Designer & President

    Gadi Amit is a San Francisco based technology designer behind some of the most innovative and market-winning products created over the last two decades. Founder of technology design studio NewDealDesign, Gadi leads a multidisciplinary team uniting people, culture and technology to build joyful experiences for the world’s top brands and disruptors alike. Select clients include Fitbit, Microsoft, Google, Herman Miller, Postmates, Comcast, and many more.

    Gadi and his team have won over one hundred international design awards, including Fast Company’s Most Innovative Design Company. Gadi was selected one of Surface Magazine’s ‘Power 100’ and Fast Company’s ‘1000 Most Creative People.’ In 2013 Michelle Obama presented Gadi with the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for an unrelenting commitment to crafting delightful design in everyday tech objects.

    Gadi regularly contributes to top media publications and speaks at conferences worldwide including Bloomberg in San Francisco, Wired in London, Vivid Ideas in Sydney, Kyoorius Designyatra in India, and Fortune Brainstorm Design in Singapore.

【Online Speech】Beyond Rational & Functional: Brand, Narrative, and Craft in Technology.

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Session S10
Meeting room 大宴会厅A(线上)
Time 12/18 13:30-17:30
Type Speech
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

The notion of form-follows-function has been engrained in many discussions over design for decades. Through the past decade Design Thinking has elevated such notion to a higher level, describing the purpose of the design as Problem-solving.
Altogether, these functionalist views of design are missing an essential side of innovation – the Story.

People are moved by stories and social interactions and with these, they form opinions about Design, purpose and the value of innovation. To some, social apps like Facebook or TikTok worth nothing, to others they worth everything. Similarly applied to physical products, to some any transportation device is agreeable. Yet to others, a car is far more than a mean to transport yourself from point to point. The journey, the feelings and excitement are the essence of the car.

In my talk I will explore how to resolve the conflict between the functionalist and narrative parts of the design process, especially when applied to digital technology, combining service, experience, hardware and software.

There is a gap in knowledge and discussion between Functionalist/Design-thinking and the Narrative design practices. Simplified, this is the gap between product-development mind-set and strategy or marketing.

My talk will provide insights into combining aspects of both sides into a cohesive, multi-dimensional Technology design practice.

Participants Benefit

1、Creating product architecture through experimentation
2、The influence of the product’s Story on function
3、Creative skills such as illustrations and model-making as discovery tools

Work Case
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