Digital Intelligence in Architecture and Spatial Connectivity
  • Satoshi Ohashi Satoshi Ohashi ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS Director, Partner

    Satoshi Ohashi has worked and collaborated closely with Dame Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher since 1987 over the period of more than 30 years. Currently, Director China for Zaha Hadid Architects. He has worked globally, continuously pursuing the possibilities of architecture and design from large scale urban design to smaller scale furniture and product design. There are no boundaries. Born in Japan, grew up in New York City, he has lived and worked internationally in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and now in Beijing, China. From 1987~1993 he was the director in charge and project architect for Zaha Hadid Tokyo office working on the design of the early works of the office. The works including the first interior design project, Moonsoon Restaurant. The endless pursuit of design excellence and that spirit from the ‘School of Zaha’ early days have never changed. In fact, it has just been pushed further ahead with the integration of new digital design tools and communication technologies.

    Satoshi has been Director in charge of ZHA China and Asia. Projects include the award winning projects, Galaxy SOHO, Wangjing SOHO, Sky SOHO, Lize SOHO, future city and TOD projects such as the New Beijing Daxing Airport, Unicorn Island, Xi’an Tencent Innovation City.

    His endless pursuit of integrating professional experiences and academic research has been influential to the architecture and design industry in China. He has been lecturer and guest studio instructor at AA School Programs, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tongji University, and Tsinghua University. The projects that he has led and his creative teamwork approach represent the highest global standards of the profession and have been awarded with numerous awards.

Digital Intelligence in Architecture and Spatial Connectivity

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Session S1
Meeting room 大宴会厅A
Time 12/18 13:30-17:30
Type Speech
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the development of science and philosophy, our understanding of natural be-havior is also combined with digital technology and tools. Digital technology has allowed morphological thinking to evolve in the 20th century and giving it a new life, various concepts and design approaches based on it have emerged. The digital technology helps us to uncover the invisible field that we couldn't touch before, and how to extract new design intuitions from them is essential for exploring the ecological complexity of architecture.

There has been an extensive amount of research in the last decade on the topic of digital design and construction. This speech briefly introduces the research strand and design gene in ZHA and especially latest projects in China, we are doing the architectural design mainly by geometry and mathematics to find physically, economically and feasible solutions to architectural problems. And explains three highlights of our work research: Computer aided geometric design, a common language of geometry, and cumulatively and collaborative design. Exemplified the structure and fabrication aware geometry through selected projects.

Participants Benefit

1. Participants can have a quick overview of the latest digital technology and tools application in architecture.
2. can learn computational empowered innovations and design methodology in ZHA office
3. also can lean the most forefront design thinking and design approach from latest projects of ZHA office.

Work Case
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