  • Albert Cheng Albert Cheng

  • Rainer Wessler Rainer Wessler Gensler Regional Head of Digital Experience

    During my time in China I have led many digital design and innovation projects. At Gensler I run a Digital Experience Design team in the context of the Architecture and Interior design practice.

  • Zhang Yang

    Zhang Yang

    现任度小满金融用户体验部的用户体验设计专家 ,于2014年加入百度,先后负责百度旅游、地图景点、百度股市通、百度理财等产品交互设计,2018年拆分为度小满后,继续负责度小满金融财富方向理财、基金、股票、支付多个产品的交互体验设计及整体交互输出把控。曾任职国家电网,主要负责桌面可视化的设计。


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Session R3
Meeting room 3楼报告厅
Time 12/19 14:31-17:31
Type Summit
Language Mandarin
Direction Service Design
Introduction of the summit

Structure and Agenda
  • Speech 1:Albert Cheng《》
    Speaker:Albert Cheng ,

    Work Case
  • Speech 2:《》
    Speaker: ,

    Work Case
  • Speech 3:Rainer Wessler《》
    Speaker:Rainer Wessler Gensler,Regional Head of Digital Experience

    Our experience in the space is constantly evolving and so must our approach to designing it. One of the main transformational forces that changed the way people use and experience space is wireless computing. Furthermore, digital experiences are now an important part of place-making itself. However, designing the digital experience in the space is different from designing traditional digital experiences like - for example - a mobile app. With our talk we want to share some of our methodology and approach and bring them to life through project stories and cases. Specifically
    We will focus on the following:
    How the usage of space (Retail, Public Space, Workplace) is changing
    How our methodology needs to address these challenges with regard to:

    · Size & viewing Angle: Considerations about hardware sizes, resolution and position are an essential part of the design process and need to be closely aligned with content choices.

    · Materiality & Environment: In many cases digital experience in space merges with (or becomes a part of) the built environment itself and has its own physical presence. Hence the digital medium needs to be chosen with the visitors wellbeing, comfort and overall experience in min

    · Content Strategy: Oftentimes the content shown on digital screens is almost permanently visible. We need to carefully analyze visitor behaviors, traffic patterns as well as an organizations' ability to produce and refresh content before we propose and detail out our content-direction

    · Interaction Model: The fourth vector we'd like to discuss touches on the connection between people and experiences. In some of our projects we are nowadays considering touch-less interaction for public and shared experiences after the COVID-19 pandemic. In other cases screen content is responsive to proximity, voice, gesture, ambient noise or movement.

    Work Case
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