Create a seamless service experience for future travel
Intelligent Transportation
  • Sun Haining Sun Haining

  • Peng Fei Peng Fei XPENG Visual design expert

  • Chen Jing Chen Jing BAIC BJEV Minister of User Experience

  • Albert Wang Albert Wang NIO User Digital Product - User Experience Design Expert

    Albert is an user experience design expert at NIO with 8 years of UED experience. As the UX lead of the vehicle service team, Albert helped the team to create innovative vehicle services such as one-click power up, charging map, one-click maintenance and so on, and was committed to creating a pleasant lifestyle for users. Prior to that, he worked at Tapas OS (INNOVATION WORKS FAMILY) and Autodesk, with extensive experience in local Internet start-ups and large multinational software companies.

  • Craig Kuo Craig Kuo ChargeSmith Co-founder / Operations Officer

  • Gao Lin Gao Lin Airbnb Design Lead

Create a seamless service experience for future travel

6066Thumbs Up
Session R6
Meeting room 301(A+B)
Time 07/13 13:30-17:30
Type Summit
Language Mandarin
Direction Intelligent Transportation
Introduction of the summit

Structure and Agenda
  • Speech 1:Sun Haining《汽车之家-体验升级》
    Speaker:Sun Haining ,


    Work Case
  • Speech 2:Peng Fei《Create a smart and comfortable travel experience with multimodal interaction》
    Speaker:Peng Fei XPENG,Visual design expert



    Work Case
  • Speech 3:Chen Jing《The future of ecological travel under the experience economy era》
    Speaker:Chen Jing BAIC BJEV,Minister of User Experience

    Work Case
  • Speech 4:Albert Wang《How to relieve users’range anxiety when charging infrastructure is not yet fully ready?》
    Speaker:Albert Wang NIO,User Digital Product - User Experience Design Expert

    Range anxiety is a common challenge confronting the whole electric vehicle (EV) industry. As a cutting-edge new technology, EVs are facing various challenges like range limit, charging time, low-temperature impact in winter and limited availability of charging facilities.
    During the Chinese New Year, NIO and ES8 owners had their first Spring Festival travel together and completed an average mileage of 1000 km under low-temperature, long distance, and high speed, which are the most challenging operating conditions for EVs. So, what is making NIO owners the EV users with the least range anxiety?

    The speech will be talking about how NIO breaks the range anxiety issue down into various scenarios and creates innovative products including Charging Map, Power Swap, Power Mobile, One Click for Power, and Worry-free Power Service through software, UX design, service design, and technology and engineering to address the range anxiety. Also, the speaker will share the thinking method, industry data, insights, and user stories with the audience.

    The main contents of the speech include:
    1. Current situation and development of charging network in China
    2. Persona breakdowns under range anxiety scenarios
    3. Principles of Worry-free experience: Deep reassurance, Ultimate ease, Know me, and Sense of freedom
    4. Ripple effect: bring experience that is beyond expectation to users-> take advantage of users’ independent media attribute -> attract others to become our users/ car owners

    Work Case
  • Speech 5:Craig Kuo《Minimized ecological experience design for EV owners to accelerate》
    Speaker:Craig Kuo ChargeSmith,Co-founder / Operations Officer

    Work Case
  • Speech 6:Gao Lin《Design for trust - The cornerstone of experience innovation》
    Speaker:Gao Lin Airbnb,Design Lead



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