How to Set and Pitch A Design Vision
  • Sunny Wang Sunny Wang Airbnb Design Manager

    I design to delight | Design manager & experience designer at Airbnb | Previously a designer at Google and Trulia | Graduated as Master of HCI, Carnegie Mellon University.

How to Set and Pitch A Design Vision

6729Thumbs Up
Session F8
Meeting room 405
Time 07/21 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

A design vision depicts an ideal end state (in the foreseeable future) for an experience, product, or feature. It sets aside the short-term constraints in resource and technology, envisions key moments of a future experience. Being able to set an impactful, inspiring vision and realize it via practical milestones, is a critical skill for developing design leadership. This process requires not only systematic, bold thinking and polished craftsmanship, but also the art of communicating the visionary ideas to stakeholders and teammates to earn buy-in and alignment.

In this workshop, we will go over the process of setting & pitching your design vision:
1. Systematic design thinking
2. User-centerd design approach
3. Visualizing ideas via frameworks, and mocks in different levels of fidelity
4. Weaving together a good story
5. Know your audience and speak their language
6. From a vision to an action plan

Structure and Agenda

1、[Speaker] Intro to the concept of design vision, process, outcome, with a real project example
2、[Interactive] Give a few design vision examples, asks the audience to evaluate the quality and effectiveness
3、[Speaker] How to put together a good story and present the vision to your stakeholders & teammates
4、[Interactive] Asks the audience to work in groups to create a draft vision deck, and present to each other
5、[Speaker] Tactics to transform a vision into an action plan
6、[Speaker] Recap of the workshop

Target Audience

1、User Experience / UX / Product / Interaction / Visual Designers
2、Design Leaders / Managers
3、Product Managers

Participants Benefit

1、Learn about systematic design thinking
2、Learn about User-Centered design approach
3、Tactics to shaping powerful storytelling
4、Communication skills: know your audience and speak their language
5、Learn about translating a vision into an action plan

Work Case
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